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Raccoon Courier

My animator friend and I have been working on a courier.
I am posting here specifically to get some critics on the design and textures.

Here are some pictures!



  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    I can't really see much be he looks small. That or its because he is too low to the ground. From a glance I can't really tell its a racoon so, maybe exaggerate some the features.
  • gordon13
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    Thanks for the feedback. Maybe the pose needs to be more interesting so he doesn't look so close to the ground.
  • tja
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    tja polycounter lvl 3
    You could make it seem higher up from the ground by having the idle stance like this: raccoon-stand.gif

    Could also make it look as if hes scouting the area.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    You guys got him in game! Yay, Glad to see it!!

    I think the ground silhouette is fairly uninteresting. You could counteract it by having his tail squiggle around or his head "search". He is very linear and anything you can do to break it up will be good.

    As far as textures, I'd work on detailing the balloons, and the fur looks fairly uninteresting. I would really push the light/dark tones to make the readability make sense from the extreme zoom camera.

    There are handfuls of "X animal with bags" in the store, myself included in that handful, so it's going to come down to how great the animation can sell the character. I'd love to see some gifs when he's animated :)
  • gordon13
    Offline / Send Message
    Great feedback guys! The standing idle stance is something we're experimenting with at the moment.

    As for the fur, you're right. I'll work on improving that. Something I hadn't anticipated was how different it looks in game compared to the viewport.

    Also you're completely right about the animation. It has to make the character stand out from the rest.

    We'll be making a video once he's animated!
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