I have a little low-poly prop scene in 3DS MAX 2013 x64 here I'm just trying to light up decently to take a simple render of.
First off, I have only been using lights for renders for a week or two, and I have had minimal success.
Here is a screenshot of what I have:

I'm using Scanline, with a Target Directional Light pointed at the stack of tires. I also have an Omni Light for a bit of backlight.
TIRES use Diffuse, Specular Level, Ambient Occlusion, and Bump maps.
RIMS use a Raytrace Reflection map.
I have tried Mental Ray, a Daylight System, and I have followed about 10 lighting/rendering tutorials step by step to no avail.
Basically, I just want an all-around well lit area and shadows that render without all the jitter and other nonsense you can see. My 640x480 render outputs are unacceptably blurry as well which I can't figure out either.
Lastly, In the render (below), you will see my awful attempt at Chrome on the rims. This I will figure out with some more tweaking, I'm aware it's bad! lol.
ANY TIPS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED, like I said, I just started getting into this stuff, and there's just so many paths to take and options to setup to make something half decent.
-- 640x480 ( blurry ) RENDER: --