Hi PC´s,
at the moment im trying me in the max uv tools + textools.

3 Cuts, but Max or TexTools don´t want to Relax the cylinder.
Is the break Tool similar to mayas cut? Im using the button that i have marked green but it dont want to relax nicely.
What im doin wrong?
When this happens to me I just hit buttons like crazy and it works
2. relax options that works to me every time: relax by face angle, and amount is on 1.
He want to relax, but not clean and i think that all import cuts are done
And the basic cylinder unwrap makes some funny cuts which i dont understand.
Just weld the verts to fix.
Also when cylinder unwrap is active you can move, rotate and scale the cylinder gizmo in the viewport. You'll see a green line running down it, that's where the seam will be cut. The verts a long the open edge always get split, you just have to weld them, it's a really simple operation...
Damn...why this must be so much work?
Mayas Cylindrical Mapping is better :P
Anyway...have to learn max -_-"
After i have selected the green Edges which i dont want to be a cut, i only have to press the button that i have marked, right?
They become white again
In Germany we say : Why easy when it can be complicated, or in other words: Life is no Ponyyard.
Or: Life is no bowl of cherries ^^ ...
Is the Relax Tool in Max a little weak? I mean i cant avoid the stretching while this Cap is planar mapped. Maybe i have to Cylindrical map this part, too. But in Maya something like this wouldn´t make problems.
Thanks for your help!
Just checked that sometimes you have to use the edges in the UV Editor to use this Button.
I have selected 2 Green Edges and pressed the Button and nothing happend.
Then i selected the same Green Edges in the UV Editor an they become white after i pressed the button.
I probably would have moved the seam one loop to the right as shown in your image just because it actually hides it more from the side view.
There isn't anything wrong with relax in max. It's actually pretty good relax actually. Just press it a few times :P
Mapped these with TexTool´s Iron and Relaxed it and then with Max´s Planar Map function from above.
After Relaxing still Stretching in the middle. Bad relax :P
Never had troubles like this in Maya. Something new for me Q_Q
Same on the other side:
Ok, i have moved the UVs per Hand to avoid Stretching. This was my only opinion, or? Now the UVs looking ok, but have i really to make it manually?
The conclusion was that they where identical and probably robbed the same code base to build their relax tools. They where identical as long as everything was the same. Taking the same meshes and unwrapping them the same way yielded the same results. Personal bias however was rampant on both sides of the debate, heh.
Somethings that can affect relax in max like objects being non-uniformly scaled, an oddly sized texture sheet being displayed in the UV editor, or UV shell's being inverted all effect how relax works inside of max.
Reset transform/scale (in the hierarchy tab of the command panel) then reapply UVW unwrap and try relaxing, if it still stretches disproportionately then make sure that the texture that is applied to the mesh is a square texture. Technically this doesn't affect how the UV's relax but it does affect the way the checker pattern is displayed.