Hi PC,
What is up with this? I can bake everything fine at low settings like 32-64 LM res, but if I go to 256-512I get errors of overlapping UVs.
This happens on quite a lot of the assets in the game, and I dont understand why.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
is your level and package saved before you bake?
No, I just drag the static mesh to the default sun/day map and bake, to test if it is working. Does that make a difference? :O
EDIT: It didnt
Also double check to make sure your mesh is using the correct lightmap index. Maybe it is on the wrong one?
Your theory on the size makes sense, I just dont understand why I shouldnt be able to find it in Max, then.
It is using the correct index
It's just the thing about it only showing overlapping erros on higher resolution that I dont understand the logic behind, in general.
Thanks for your ideas on it
Will try that for the next assets, and see if it makes a difference, as I normally dont collapse and freeze