Okay so, I made this ugly thing from a sphere it's basically just an... angry.. green.. troll type thing lol, I didn't follow any concepts just went with the flow. I've never actually made anything in Zbrush before I've only been watching some tutorials on how to use the program and just tried it out, this was the result. Ugly but it's a cutie

I'd like some honest feed back (Things I should work on, tips on improving!) :S I didn't know how to get any detail with poly paint, So I just went with plain colors instead.

Your forms will be much better and less lumpy if you gradually build up form and not rush to working on the highest subdivision level.
This is a pitfall almost every new Zbrush user falls into. I was once guilty of it myself.
Yeah, I learnt that just as I finished it lol, I'll keep it in mind on the next sculpt, Thx!