Hey everyone.
I use a number of brushes and other presets and I gave up on waiting till Adobe would make a proper way to manage presets: brush folders, custom panels and things like that. I found myself constantly digressing from the actual painting when browsing the presets.
For two years I'm using a script that creates (by hotkey) a popup panel with the tools I need (brushes mostly) and some time ago I modified it for artists in our company so anyone could put his favourite tools to panel(s).
Here's a sample of the panel with 6 brushes and 2 smudge tools:

The number of tools, thumbnail size and some other things are customisable.
So if anyone interested, the tool is available here
I thought to contribute to your great script with another one that will search for the brush by name. I think this will come in handy on the thumbnail painting, specially if you will have a lot of brushes loaded.
this of course is a temporary solution, until you adjust your script to automatically select the corresponding brush when selecting the document to paint on.
If you are interested, this is the link to my BCM_tools updated with the script I've mentioned:
Download link
Thanks for those, actually I needed something like BCM10_ showOnlySelected for a long time!