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3D Studio Max 12 / 13 crashes within minutes of opening

polycounter lvl 9
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Violet polycounter lvl 9
As title says - I'm running out of options apart from jumping ship after 19 years and going to Maya, which I don't want to do as I love Max, but it's just gone too unreliable. Searching for a bug like this brings all thousands of different types, making it impossible to single out the one I have.

I was having the problem with 3D Studio Max 2012 - clicking on file / open results in a crash. I upgraded to 2013, and it does the same.
It sometimes does it when I click on a menu. It just crashes all the time.

Does anyone have this same problem? I've used 2012 - 2013 - 2014 in work and apart from the usual expected crashes everyday, I've not encountered this one before?


  • low odor
    Offline / Send Message
    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    try deletling you .ini file

    C : \ Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2014 - 64bit\enu\3dsmax.ini (assuming win7 /8)
  • Mark Dygert
    "and apart from the usual expected crashes everyday"
    There is nothing usual about that.

    What kind of hardware are you running?
    When was the last time you updated the drivers?

    The only time max crashes for me is when I do something specific, like test out a bit of unpredictable maxscript, grab a slider and crank it up over 1000+ when I should have only clicked it up by 1 or I import a crazy amount of polys that had a checked previously I would have known would hang max. Most of the time it will finish doing what it's working on but I choose to close it down and relaunch it.

    I've used max at work since 3dsMax9, there where some crashtastic releases between then and now but the last few releases (especially after service packs) have been predictably stable, so I don't think your situation is normal, even as you describe normal...
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Are you clicking File / Open in the menu? Or do you mean you are selecting a file and hitting Open? Does the hotkey CTRL+O work? Can you save new files? Sounds like there may be an external process that is running that is interfering with Max. Are you running AutoHotkey or another program that could be monitoring your activity? I remember at one time my mouse drivers were causing my viewport to lag.

    Try looking in the log file to see if there are any problems.
    C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2014 - 64bit\ENU\Network\Max.log
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