Unfortunately I'm not pro with UDK but I need to get this done, since I'm working alone.
I just need help in gametypes.
I used UTDeathMatch setup so far, changed physics gun a bit and added flashlight to it. That part is done but regular gun is still there, can't remove it.
When I load the game (not in the editor, in the editor everything is okay) I dont get physics gun, which is frustrating. Plus the character runs too fast and well, you can understand the issue here.
I would really appreciate if smb can advice a tutorial on gametypes or tell me how to set one up for a horror game.
(I was under the impression that the name of the map/level needed a specific prefix too... I'm not really sure what affect it makes tbh... I kinda thought the death match prefix was DM or TDM... not sure though)
maybe this tutorial will help? :
udn documentaion:
If you're looking for help with your weapon, and not being about to remove the gun (not sure if you are?) then you should post your script(s) or kismet (however you set it up).
As for the player having the gun - how are you giving it to the player? Weapon's pick-up, default inventory, or kismet (script/kismet explaining or showing)?
As for players speed - that should be handled in script. (should be groundspeed in the default properties of the pawn).
Hope that helps
As Neavah points out, Hourences' tutorials are a good start for this kind of setup.
Regarding the speed/size change when you playing outside the editor, I guess it's because the engine load the basic gametype which use a default character taller than the UTGame one.
You will have to edit some ini files for that. In Defaultgame.ini I have : As you can see here, EXIL is my game setup. I believe you should replace what the default settings are with something like :
I typed from memory, I'm not sure it's quite correct. I don't have a default installation of the UDK anymore.
P.S. I tried several options of removing the initial inventory from the player - but that just messes up the game entirely. Via Kismet - it doesnt work properly.
Object.WorldInfo.bNoDefaultInventoryForPlayer True
That will give you zero inventory and to add inventory to the player with the the above option enabled you can ether use pick up or script them to the player. (just like the flash light)
Here is the code for pickup:
and a video:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nARsePHxYLg"]UDK Tutorial: Active Pickup - YouTube[/ame]
As you can see scripting is the most effective way do this. This might not be what you are looking for but it's something to get your teeth into :poly121:
It's a grey area for me but I hope this helps !!!
Good luck
It removes the player inventory but I can't add anything either.
For some reason,
It's always the question for me, if a bug appears, because the UDK installation is messed up (after playing around with .ini files, e.g.), or if it a "normal game feature"