Can someone help tell me what is the best method of removing vertex influence from bones?
I have a character with rig set up and ready to be used, but when applied to skin modifier (this is required since I will be using MD5 format) some bones have much larger influence on the mesh, and I don't want that.
I tried setting negative values for paint weights brush - worked ones and never again, and I don't think there is a problem with the rig or the mesh. I can remove influece from bones with weight table but that is insane since there is around 20k vertices on the mesh. (and who ever deigned it in that way might be insane).
I tried SkinOrDie2 plugin but that doesn't work on max 2013 and in the long run I wouldn't want to rely on something that might be rendered unusable in the future (like plugins).
One of the reasons the weighting may not be changing is because each vertex has an influence list. If there is only one bone in the list you can't actually remove the weight.
The reason it's better to think of it this way is because if you are removing weighting then you have no control of where the weighting is going. But if you are adding you are always in control.