any 1 knows how does 1 showcase his 3D model in 3D on his site ?
( i dont want to use sketchfab or host the model somewhere else )
also while the viewer is rotating around the model what if i want him to be able to change things based on some options ?
like change the color of that shirt - or put that helmet on .. etc
got any ideas on how to do that ?
anything will be helpful since i dont know how to google on that matter

This video shows you how it can look:
I suggest checking out Unity and asking for advice on their forums. The first link I sent was interactive but this one is static, so you cannot change the skins/textures:
Anyway, seems like Unity might be your thing, even though you may have to invest some money. You didn't say you want a "free" option ^^
i dont mind investing some money
but isnt there a more simpler way ?
unity seems good but i dont know how far ill need to go into it to get the result i want ?
mostly concerned about the programming part
Though judging by the fact that you said you're willing to shell out money if it means speeding up the process, you could look into Playmaker on the asset store. I never used it myself but it's supposedly a tool for developing in unity without much prior programming experience. You could do some research to see if it fits your purposes.
seems like unity is my man then
will check out the free version first and then see what i can get
And lots of tutorial videos:
It's also on sale right now at 30% off