been working on a real time animation demo that I'd like to submit together with my reel (that still isn't finished, gonna ress that thread soon).
I started playing TERA maybe 2 months ago and loved the style of my characters run and land animations, so with that in mind I animated Katarina from League of Legends and did this navigation thingy with her.
I'm not a programmer or whatever it's called :poly136: so I've tried to keep the actual navigation simple and focus on animations. That's why you can only really run in 4 directions, like a mmo I guess..
^ unity web player, please you try who not! I lajk!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_bq6yOPd3c"]katassassins creed wip..5? - YouTube[/ame]
I posted youtube links in the WAYWO thread a few times but didn't get any feedback so I've been going ahead hoping stuff doesn't look too shit..
been working on the attack combo for the last couple of days so that's what I decided to record here..
things to note: (I guess..dunno)
- you can double jump by pressing space again while in the middle of the jump
- different stop-run animations depending on how long you've been starting to run. so just tapping W/A/S/D will just step her around..until it bugs out because you tap too much! damn you!:poly127:
- boobie jiggle animations on stops...... :poly141:
- different land animations depending on if you continue to hold the direction you were holding when you started jumping or if you let go
thanks for listening! :poly136::thumbup:
I'm loving the attention to detail and not only is she really animated but she feels it too locked solid and moves amazingly.
How long did she take to animate?
The attention to the details are great.
Deffo would love to see more plus a game or two maybe......okay go on why not a trilogy lol.
The only thing that didn't convince me at 100% is the double jump.
I hope you'll keep posting more stuff on this thread
My only crit is that her run is perhaps a little TOO exaggerated, at least when viewed from such a low camera angle. I really love the double-jump landing though. Fantastic work!
Thanks a ton guys! your nice comments made my life! :poly102:
glad to hear that I might be on to something here with this realtime reel crap :poly136:
Video above plays the animations at ½ the speed showing the doulbe jump, run start and run cycle.. aaaaand I'll use that to state my case against the feedback below! :poly142::poly122: hehe
(I personally love how her lower half moves in the run cycle.. but that might just be me:poly136: )
How do you mean? :poly132:
Do you not like the idea that she straightens out like that, would it make more sense if she rolled into a ball?
I was thinking of doing a variation run-jump, where she rolls into a ball.. that triggers randomly, like the night elf's in WoW.. if you doulbe jump out of a roll maybe it'll feel better? it would be random but still..
There are no blends anywhere, just transition animations all over the place. theres a 0.1 second blend when you tap W/A/S/D and let her go into the "short stop" animations..
What don't you like about the start? how her feet move back maybe? like if it feels like she's about to tip over? :poly122:
What the hell is too exaggerated?! :poly142::poly124: hehe
The fact that her feet slide past where she starts is a bit jarring as well.
I do like the run animation though! Maybe just make the arms a bit more rigid and less wavy.
Yeah I was worried somebody might react negativly to that... hmmmmm :poly134:
I know right! A Star Craft Ghost thing with Katarina
wonder who would sue me first, Riot Games, Ubi Soft or Blizzard :poly142:
again thanks for all the feedback and kind words guys!!
I'll take a look at the stuff that is bothering you guys, then I'll go back to fixing my reel and animating some CoD4 soldiers (sigh)
Tell me was it some kind of pre-made Unity level with controls set up already that you could plug your character and animations directly into or did you have learn to put the whole thing together from scratch?
Would love to see 8 directions instead of just 4, with smooth blending/transition
the level is mine as well, well, it's a plane that has triggers some meters to each side that moves the level in whatever direction ones you cross the trigger, to make the level loop infinitly.
unity has that mechanim thingy though..which I assume is just a plug and play kinda thing, should be easier to add anims that way I guess..
haha I know right!.. my scripting skillz are not up there though.. next time maybe!
while we're here again, here's the final presentation video I'll be submitting with my reel I think..
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOjVQ21_xfs"]katassassinscreed animationDemo - YouTube[/ame]
Beside I need to say, that the video itself is rather long, maybe you should shorten it a little.
And I think it's rather disturbing that there are popping up more videos from time to time, since it's already hard to focus on both the videos running at the same time.
I made it for anim dirs who don't have time/care enough to play through the webplayer version. the anims at the bottom are not more anoying than any animation viewer I think hehe
but yeah, I guess it's kinda ironic that it's kinda long, when it was made for people who might not have time to check out the proper app..... hmm
thanks for the feedback!!
I'm gonna supply it as a .mov so people can pause the video and frame step and whatever..