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Issue with PA weapon, help plz!

polycounter lvl 4
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Zambash polycounter lvl 4
Hey guys, does anyone have experience making a weapon for PA? PA doesn't actually have any particle effects on her weapon so I was surprised when I went to upload what I had created and found that her weapon slot requires particle geometry, like antimage weapons do. Then, no matter what geometry I uploaded for the particles, even if it was just 3 points with 1 face, there was a massive glow effect floating around. When you actually test in game there is no particle effects, because PA doesn't actually have any, so does anyone know a way to get around them or upload something so that there wont be any effects in the uploader/previewer? I can upload some pictures of what is happening if someone wants me to.


  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    It's used for one of her abilities. Load up the testmap, type in "-lvlup 25" and test your abilities, it's either her ult, or dagger attack speed buff.
  • Zambash
    Offline / Send Message
    Zambash polycounter lvl 4
    Hmmm, thanks, I notice it doesn't show up in the previewer of other people's PA weapons, that I own, do you happen to know if it just shows up inside the viewer when you first upload it?
  • Zambash
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    Zambash polycounter lvl 4

    Okay so I managed to make a nice glow geometry, the problem is it seems like the glow effect defaults to being bound to her weapon bone, which is no good here because my item is a special one that is bound to her elbow. The particle effect geometry I uploaded has the same elbow binding as the main weapon, but the uploader seems to ignore that and just bind it to the weapon, does anyone know of any way to fix this?
  • Zambash
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    Zambash polycounter lvl 4
    You were right, it is just shown for a split second for Ceup De Grace and it looks great even though its not aligned with the weapon.
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