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Thief 4 Environment

polycounter lvl 4
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JellyBones polycounter lvl 4
Working on this small environment in Cry Engine 3 based on concept art from Thief 4 of an Apothecary.
So far this is what I have. I'm Experimenting with a more dramatic blue color palette than the original concept right now and obviously not all the assets are finished or present in the scene yet. Feedback and comments appreciated.


  • DWalker
    I'd give the lamps a yellow tint; white light was extremely uncommon before electricity. The lamp texture has a noticeable seam on the right-most lamp in the second picture.

    The space between floor boards is quite wide. It's also unlikely that a single plank would be as long as the room; it's more likely that they would be irregular lengths 4-6' long.
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    I like the decision you've made to go for a more dramatic blue lighting to the piece, I agree with DWalker about the white lighting a more yellow tinted lighting will do much better plus with the blue palette your using it may really make your scene pop and give it a great feel good luck!
  • JellyBones
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    JellyBones polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks for the feedback, gonna try to iron all this stuff out soon to post more updates!
  • JellyBones
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    JellyBones polycounter lvl 4
    Updated the barrel asset today with some final maps, rendered in marmoset for display purposes here
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Considering the mesh detail of the candle, the barrel could use more polygons. A few edges for the metal bands, maybe a bunghole.

    Given this, wireframes of the scene might help reveal other balances.

    Also the large watermark is distracting.
  • locater16
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    locater16 polycounter lvl 8
    DWalker wrote: »
    I'd give the lamps a yellow tint; white light was extremely uncommon before electricity. The lamp texture has a noticeable seam on the right-most lamp in the second picture.

    The space between floor boards is quite wide. It's also unlikely that a single plank would be as long as the room; it's more likely that they would be irregular lengths 4-6' long.

    The Thief series has had electricity on occasion, oddly enough. But regardless, a cliche orange and teal or yellow and blue hue/contrasting lighting would look better. Assuming the concept is being used as more of a vague idea than a style guide, as there isn't a whole lot of color in it. Which lends the image to feeling darker than it really is nicely.
  • killazzz
    I Like where its headed so far.
    Id really recommend doing that awesome cash register next, that will be a difficult prop in itself.
    Also are you planning on including the spiral staircase in the concept? because im not seeing it in your shots and that would be a sweet opportunity to throw in some fill light.
    Keep at it!
  • JellyBones
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    JellyBones polycounter lvl 4
    I am actually working right now on the cash register! also some yellow contrasting lighting would look interesting mixed in with the dark blue I suppose. I had something like it a few days ago when I was just messing around with lighting styles and colors, it had a very watchmen color palette thing going on which was sorta neat, so maybe I will revisit something like that. As far as the barrel goes do you all think it should really have more geo for a background prop? Thank you all as always for the feedback.
  • JellyBones
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    JellyBones polycounter lvl 4
    Got this guy all set tonight yjmYKH1.jpg
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