Hi there, can anyone recommend an automatic seamless texture tiling solution. I like the one in Substance B2M with the splat functionality turned on, but B2M is a bit out of my price range for just that one feature.
If you edit the preferences to use simulate 3 button navigation and get some custom brushes it can be a great tool for that sort of thing. The guy that made that video posted his brushes on blender artist. If you wanna go that route I could link you to them.
And there is always the Blender offset editor set up.
B2M is pretty cheap if you are not using it for commercial purposes. $49 on steam.
That said you still have access to Map Zone, which is pretty much where B2M and Substance Designer started. It's free btw. http://www.mapzoneeditor.com/
Krita is a free open source painting and texturing application thats gaining ground. There is a tile mode which you can enable, this should allow you to make tiled diffuse maps, which you can then plug into something like Map zone if you wish. AND if you have photoshop, you can always do it by hand as well and use ndo1, which is free.
Though all this isnt what you are probably looking for. You could just invest in Substance Designer at some point (its well worth it), inside you get a B2M lite node.
Hope that helps
If you edit the preferences to use simulate 3 button navigation and get some custom brushes it can be a great tool for that sort of thing. The guy that made that video posted his brushes on blender artist. If you wanna go that route I could link you to them.
And there is always the Blender offset editor set up.
video at 2 min..
That said you still have access to Map Zone, which is pretty much where B2M and Substance Designer started. It's free btw. http://www.mapzoneeditor.com/
Krita is a free open source painting and texturing application thats gaining ground. There is a tile mode which you can enable, this should allow you to make tiled diffuse maps, which you can then plug into something like Map zone if you wish. AND if you have photoshop, you can always do it by hand as well and use ndo1, which is free.
Though all this isnt what you are probably looking for. You could just invest in Substance Designer at some point (its well worth it), inside you get a B2M lite node.
link to download http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=281&t=117747&start=45#p296057
edit: just noticed you said automatic solution, well ..
Here is a review of bitmap generators I made a couple months ago for my team , based on my experience ofc
Havent tried seamlesstexturegenerator however!