So I'm pretty much finished with this mini environment :] since I'm not cool enough to play with UE4 I made it in ye olde UDK. It was a fun little project and I learned some new things.
Here are some screenshots and a movie (sorry about the compression, I tried getting it better but it didn't work out..)
The beam is much too solid and straight - it should be a truncated cone that becomes more transparent as it moves away from the lens.
The moon seems to be casting as much light as the sun would.
Ah,should be an easy fix! Dont know if I will make the scene darker though, Im afraid it might get to much black in it. I can play around with it a little and see how it goes
It looks nice, But it took e a while to even notice that it was supposed to be raining, which needs to be either a lot more readable or done away with.
wow dude your work is awesome. Just like joeriv said the light beam could fade out, it looks light a laser beam now. The rain could use some love aswell. It's there but it looks kind of odd. Maybe higher up the opacity and add some more white to spice up the contrast a bit with the sky.
I Made some more tweaks on it. I have no idea where those little lightmap artifacts on the lighthouse facade comes from, I've tried everything I know of but cant get rid of them - its even a 1024 and the Uvs are good. If I make it dynamic I get weird artifacts on the mesh which look even worse and I don't really know why since the geo is good, Oh well ^^
The moon seems to be casting as much light as the sun would.
I think that the moon is abit to sharp and a little to big.
I also don't think you should make the scene darker, I really like it where it is at now.
Good job! Keep it up!
Yeah it needs some tweaks here and there, will fix it up as soon as I can,550x550,075,f.jpg
Now it kinda looks like it's shooting a laser beam