Hey folks.
Got a bit of an annoying problem while using Zremesher. It gives me spirals instead of nicely closing loops and is being extremely inconsistent about it.
In a previous model I would just manually add a looping guide here and there to force zremesher into stopping with the silly spirals.
For my current model this is not working. I have a loop around the models waist, legs and arms. I click the zremesher button and it will spiral the bottom part of the legs. I undo this and press zremesher again without changing anything and BAM, now the arms are spirals but the legs are fine. Undo, press again and now both legs and arms are fine but suddenly the oversized breasts of the model are spirals.
I cannot for the life of me find a combination of settings and guide loops that gets me a mesh without spirals.
Has anyone got any idea how to fix this?
Even then I don't think there is a method that is 100% guaranteed to make an automatic retopology tool do exactly what you want.
What do you mean by frame mesh option? Just the frame button that scales the mesh to fit the window? The zoom/scale level of the tool actually has an effect on zremesher? I just see that as being zoom in and out.
[edit]jebus it does....wut? I don't see the logic in this.[/edit]
It will use the creased edges generated by the Crease Curve brush to create the curves that ZRemesher will use. It's just a quick and easy way to get full curve loops established (I find that shift+dragging with the zremesher guide brush is much more unpredictable for that).
I have no idea what changed for the rest of the mesh but now whenever I hit the button it makes nice loops. Happened first time when I had it fully framed so I started thinking the zoom level actually mattered
Thanks for the assist.