I am working on unwrapping this floor tile and came across a problem, mainly because it's time consuming. Here is the tile:

My problem is that the holes repeat and I would like to unwrap them all the same. I unwrapped one hole and it looks right. It there a way to duplicate this unwrap to all the holes without selecting them individually and stitching the sides to clean it up.

In movies, anything that the hero can't physically touch has hardly any detail on it.
Personally, I would just use this model as a base for a sculpt. Bake a normal map from sculpt, and put it on a quad.
If you really need a 10,000 poly floor tile then you could do a tiled map for each direction of the cube sections. Select top polys of one hole, map that, then tile across the tops of the rest. Same process for the other sides of each section.
Another option is don't texture the holes at all. Put a metallic color on it and just run a vertex color gradient from top to bottom of each hole. The top of the tile can be done however you would normally texture.
I was also considering using just a box, but once again I would like the holes to show up some how.
You just need to bake the alpha from your high poly and your done, the tricky part is getting it to work in your 3D app and or the game engine.
You'll be eating a bunch of verts, but at least all the holes will be overlaid in the UV map correctly.
Copy it once then select both and copy again, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32... done.
I am also going to look into making an Alpha Map for the holes.
Thanks for the help everyone.