I remember having asked this before and someone promised a script for this, but here is the problem again:
I need something like what TexTools does, namely a plugin for MAYA that makes Smoothing Groups from my UV shells with the click of a button.
It would be awesome if another or the same plugin would also spit them out in different colors/per Uv-island, for easier texturing and selection.
I imagine in all the years that have come to pass, someone must have made a plugin like that for Maya, so I'd be very happy about some pointers in the right direction.
>>EDIT<< Seems like this script does what I need:
I'd still like a solution for the different color UV shells, though. I could just apply a Constant Material/UV shell, but I'm pretty sure this kind of function has been scripted already. If you have similar scripts like the UV-shell one, feel free to post them too. Can't hurt to look into different options and find the most useful script.
http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=52722 - Been using this one for applying hard edges->UV shells borders and works like a charm.
For UV shell colors try this one from Froyok:
Hope it helps!
>>EDIT<< I get this error upon installing Frotools 3.25:
Error: Line 1.21: Cannot find file "froTools3.mel" for source statement.
I found some info about it, however I did restart Maya and it is in the right (my documents) folder. I'm a bit tired, so maybe I'll work it out another time.
This is my current installation path. I tried moving it to different locations but it wasn't found anywhere:
C: \Users\***\Documents\maya\2014-x64\froTools325
However, is it confirmed this script works with Maya 2014? It seems like it cannot find the folder, even though I put it exactly as specified.
Try this path:
C: \Users\***\Documents\maya\2014-x64\scripts\froTools3 and for the icons
C: \Users\***\Documents\maya\2014-x64\scripts\prefs\icons