With a new year comes a new website layout. I finally got around to cleaning up my portfolio and setting it up to be able to update easier. More awesome stuff to come in the future when current projects are announced and more recent work can be shown. Can't wait to share all the stuff from this last year. I should be adding a blog to the site as well for personal projects.
Let me know if something seems off or broken. Much appreciated

My only concerns would be with the 'Resume' section, the grey text on the grey background can be hard to read. It's not as much of an issue with your link buttons since they are large and in bold but I think people might be put off by the smaller resume text. Have you thought about having a downloadable version of your resume? It would be handy should someone wish to keep hold of a copy but obviously that's down to you and if you want that as an option.
Very inspirational work, really looking forward to seeing more from you!
On the bait shop, the branch going through the shack is much too thick. The trees overall are sparse and barren. The trees seem closest to cypress; you really should look at similar tress. Spanish moss tends to cover every nearly horizontal branch, rather than just the occasional streamer.
I'd get rid of the double-spacing on the resume, and switch to a larger font.
The rain shader is nice, but appears too viscous and has a distinct gray shade. The wide specular also enhances the plastic appearance. Adding a reflection would really help sell the effect.