Hello guys! Me here.
I'm trying to create a game development team, problem is, I know how to use Unreal, but only to a certain extent. I'm a digital artist and part-time animator, and I'm great with people. This project is guaranteed to happen. We already got 11 people on the team, and they are all talented. These are the positions open, please shoot me up an email with the subject:
"Game Design: (Your preferred position)" along with your portfolio and other contact details such as skype.
Head Count: 11/28
3D Artist and Animator
• Must know hard surface modeling, preferably used to detailing weapons, organic materials, machines and environment assets.
• Have a knowledge about 3D programs such as Maya, 3DSMax and ZBrush, and has experience with Unreal Engine's material editor.
• Must have a great knowledge of sculpting and creating people, both high-poly and low-poly.
• Must be able to communicate with the concept art and level design team to deliver the best assets possible.
NO positions open.Developer/Programmer
• Must have a wide knowledge of Unreal, such as Unrealscript, C++, and Kismet.
• Must also be willing to push the engine's capabilities to the full limit.
• Must also have a basic knowledge about the 3D programs stated above.
7/7 positions open.
Sound Designer
• Must be able to create realistic sound effects.
• Must be able to create ambient music.
NO positions open.Concept Artist
• Must be able to create high quality concepts such as machines, people, and interiors.
• Must be able to communicate with the 3D artists as to what may be the level designs, character designs and assets.
4/5 positions open.
Voice Actors
• Must be able to deliver dialogue with realism, and make it sound believable.
5/5 positions open.
Level Designer
• Must be able to create amazing and realistic locations.
• Must have a great eye for extreme detail.
• Must have an understanding of flow using parkour.
• Must be able to work his or her way around the material editor.
• Must be able to communicate well with the concept artists and 3D artists.
1/2 positions open.
All applicants must be able to speak English well.
I've actually been contacted by Hollywood 3D artists but they said the budget was too low for 5 years of work.
If you can do any of the above and are great with people, shoot me up a PM at
leongabrielavendao@gmail.com, and we'll get in touch. If you do decide to join, our first project will be Kickstarter funded, hopefully by our future team spokesman, and we'll draw all finances from that.
That's it for now, hoping to see a great number of applicants!
UPDATE: Giuseppe Mastroianni is now part of our staff!
Portfolio Links:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Giuse...ni/46261643916 (FACEBOOK PAGE)
http://www.poetry.com/poets/2496-Giuseppe%20Mastroiannihttp://www.wordshelter.it/author/giuseppe-mastroianni/ (WORDSHELTER PAGE)
UPDATE 2: Ben Rawles is now part of our staff!
Portfolio Links:
UPDATE 3: And another person that does not want his name displayed publicly. He is extremely talented, I can tell you that.
UPDATE 4: Our GDD is almost done! Website is under construction, researching about legal means to establish a company.
UPDATE 5: Malcolm Neal is now part of our level design team!
Portfolio Links:
UPDATE 6: Antone Magdy is now part of our staff!
Portfolio Links:
UPDATE 7: Yasha Peiro is now part of our team!
Portfolio Links:
UPDATE 8: Mitchell Gibbs is now part of our staff!
Portfolio Links:
UPDATE 9: James Giles is now part of our staff!
Portfolio Links:
UPDATE 10: Facundo Giovannone is now part of our team!
Portfolio Links:
Portfolio Links: