Hi all
A bit of a New Year's disaster - I opened my saved Maya file and part of my mesh has vanished. I can tell it is still there as I can see it in the Hypergraph - also if you right click on the layers and hit select all - it appears to select (you can't see a wireframe but the widgets can be moved.) The file opens with an error - 'can't perform polysplit38'. Can anyone help?
The mesh I can't see is on the visible layers - flowers, blade, handle and leaf.
You can take a look at my Maya file here:
Thanks in advance!
To add a menu item as a shelf button, hold Ctrl + Shift and click with the middle mouse button. A shortcut icon will appear in the active shelf.
In 99.9% of cases, you should delete history on your resulting models immediately after the use of Combine, Separate, or Extract. Your models have been separated, extracted, and recombined so much it's a miracle Maya doesn't crash the instant you try to open the file.
I'll poke around your file a bit more but consider that content lost at this point...
Go to File > Save (click option box) > Activate incremental save + unlimited