My previous dragon posted here was for the comp over at cghub check out the entries, I'd love to get your vote but which ever entry you feel deserves It go right ahead never-the-less here is my contribution:
Chasing another dragon, he is like my other design of the trifecta mount so he can do Land, sea and air.
Posing him currently for the other views, takes a while for me to get it "perfect".

Wanted some c&c if anyone had any ideas, the environment is rushed and just a pedestal not to take away from the dragon himself.
How I came up with this (While trying to be original..):
Head / mouth: (Sea turtle / Horse shoes crab)() Yup it is a shell and not METAL)
Wings: Dragon/Bat wings (red inside) - Fish scale / pocketing "wings" think flap, over flaps (black side)
Body: Flying Dragon / Black Marlin (real, in Asia, just a small tree hopping/gliding "lizard".)
body continued: the extra folds of skin you see at his arms,legs and tail help in the gliding attribute, think flying squirrel.
Fin: Black Marlins
Tail: Just me thinking of mermaids/fish ^ marlin again.
Eyes: Goat / Shrimp
Colors: garter snake (red and blue one)
Magenta flames, I just wanted a different flame that looked good so I picked that one.
He does have gills i made them they are just under the shell/armor near his head.
Finally to add for what ever reason this is my 1ST Everything(as in scene and textures, renders, environment) in zbrush, I am so glad i learned it more, loving the painting.
Hope you enjoyed it, Vote for me here:
or for which ever dragon you like best.
Proud to end my year with this one.
The dragon itself looks cool though I dont think those wings will support any flight at all. Also the scales are bit too cleanly made for my taste, its like its fresh out of the factory.
wings - dragons typically have two styles of wing, the "bat" style of wing where it's formed like this:
or the "ray" style of wing where it's formed like this:
scales - you've got too many conflicting designs which breaks up the overall feel.
head - feels like metal plates, something out of a yugioh game or something
and that beauty render... wow i mean... it's like he's walking on a flat plane, that's going vertically, perpendicular to some covered ground with nothing to walk out of.
Awesome, yea i had no time to dirty up with my accident taking away my drawing ability all together i had to make due with my other hand to just make the deadline, this is the result.
It was too clean i got some "dirt" on the red bits it is the bigger scales that didn't get much love.
I referenced this little guy and added the "dragon" limb bits to support the rest of the dragon design but It lifts that little guy so that is the idea here with those wings.
At least you like it a bit
Yea well i know it is a hard thing to do that is pretty much why i did this, i tried to make a new style of "dragon" for him cause i pretty much didn't want to copy the design that is used widely. That is the point of the attempt to be "original"?
I didn't know about the ray style i liked that if i had known i probably would have went with that.
Not totally perpendicular.
Thanks gents.
I also should just go by other peoples concepts and all that and stop trying to be the all in one, but that is pretty much the studios doing.
Just trying to follow the demand, always learning and trying new things, this was a bad move I guess.
Like i said i tried to be original, no longer possible in these days.
Thanks for the comments I appreciate them guys, will help me better mesh to the masses.
It looks like (and if I'm wrong correct me) you modeled your design and decided on a pose before thinking of the final picture and once the model was done you made the enrivoment around the model. I don't know how much control you have of reposing the dragon, the final beauty render could be ok if adjusted (mainly limbs and wings) or if you make a new enviroment around the model that would fit its current pose if its too difficult to re-pose or rig the model
I mainly get upset at myself if i sound like i am defending my piece, just FYI.
I will say however that i instantly thought of the pose and then the environment I had one thought and when i already created the environment the dragon didn't fit with my idea, again my fault but the deadline as i saw it anyway was nearing really close, like 20 minutes. Though come to find out i was way off, how was that when i was using a time zone clock is beyond me...
but i was off... somehow. Anyway.
Here is my crappy concept for the beauty, attach.
It is bad i know but this is a rushed idea...
I saved the model so i can repose it, i don't know why Zbrush doesn't have an option like this and i think that is a major flaw, unless i missed it?
I saved the polymesh3D that is creates and the main design and the rigging so that i can change anything at anytime so it is easy for me to make changes at anytime to both the details on the main base and the rig at least i did that right.
I would gladly take on a suggestion to make this better from anyone who knows what they are talking about.
To be honest i wish i learned more 2D that might have helped me a lot here, just FYI for the noobs watching, you better know 2D or your assed out.
Anyway thanks for your help thus far i appreciate it as i feel i get a lack of responses to assist me in becoming a better artist. I was about to post this on CA to get help as i feel they might be more responsive to assist.
That sucks cause I've been a black and Greeen since 99...anyway happy new year ppl.
Also upon creating this soulty at cghub had the same idea pose and again i was not going to copy someone else, that pisses me off, sadly.. the copy part of any design. To add to this i always think try harder not to copy... but that is just me.