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Portfolio feedback

Hi guys, was wondering if you could all take a look at my portfolio and give me some feedback on it, it's my first attempt at putting together some of my work (old and new) to create a portfolio. Its a little rough around the edges but getting some feedback on it will help me make alterations to it so it can become a better looking and more solid portfolio.

The work in it is mostly the stuff I made while at University and I'll be hoping to add more things to it in the future, but nailing how it looks and what should be in, or taken out, will help when I come to add more work to it later on.



  • kmactastic
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    kmactastic polycounter lvl 8
    Hey Chris,
    The writing on your pages is so teeny tiny! It looks like 8 font. Might just be my browser though. I am using chrome. Definitely put your strongest piece first. You have a lot of stuff that is cooler than the panel.
  • MDj
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    MDj polycounter lvl 6
    Generaly i think you need more work samples. Just keep creating them..
    from what ive seen, its obvious you are capable of creating good quality assets...but your website lacks quantity..

    Also, increase font size a lot ! :)
  • CarlK3D
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    CarlK3D polycounter lvl 7
    On Layout & Design:
    - Its good you have your own web address & Images showing your work.
    - Personally I prefer to have Links to things such as LinkedIn open in a new tab for faster navigation back to the Portfolio.
    - You should try to minimize the amount of Header links also. Having LinkedIn & Email as a Media Icon in the Top Right would be a good idea. Not sure how many People would want to use a Contact Section.
    - Having a Home Link is redundant if your Name is also the Home Link. I'd remove the Main Page Link
    - Portfolio, About Me & Media Links to Email & LinkedIn should be just about all you need.
    - Your About Me Page seems to just be your resume. Maybe Rename it to Resume.
    - All your text is way way to small. looks about size 2. very hard to read
    - you might wanna keep your Preview images a consistent size. they all seem to be except the 1st.

    Apart from that it seems all good. just need more work to fill it out
  • DougClayton4231
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    DougClayton4231 polycounter lvl 3
    It looks like a good start, I'd say that you need to fix the font size on the About page, it's almost microscopic. I'd also make the images for your breakdowns and alternate shots the full sized images, like on the wall panel page. Lastly, I'd add an email address to the top of every page and a download link for your CV\Resume. Hope I helped :)
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