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Warhammer 40k Vostroyan Lasgun

polycounter lvl 6
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jacksterooney polycounter lvl 6




From the 40k wiki - ‘With both the industrial capacity of Vostroya and its unusual tradition of reinforcement for existing regiments, the Vostroyans are particularly well-equipped, clad in durable, Plasteel-alloy Carapace Armour breast plates and armed with finely-wrought Lasgun rifles. These are both often passed down through the generations, giving the Firstborn a baroque look, further embellished by their traditional use of red dyes and brass metalwork in their uniforms and wargear.’

I modeled and textured this rifle over the course of 3 days just as practice in making high quality assets. While it looks okay for now, ideally I would be able to take this into Zbrush to give it finer details such as a golden embellishments on the wooden barrel and stock sections as seen in the reference image above.

However, I haven’t quite got my head around Zbrush, so for now I’m calling this done.

Modeled in 3ds Max, Textured using dDo, and rendered in Marmoset.


  • stahl
    i gotta say if for relatively simple model it looks incredibly good, i very much like it !
  • Nosslak
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    Nosslak polycounter lvl 12
    It's good to do some speed challenges once in a while but I really think you need to work a lot more on the texture as it is very flat and boring right now.

    You do have some scratches along the edges but they look too uniform and some are placed illogically where there wouldn't be much scratches as the edges isn't exposed. You also need to add some scratches on the flat surfaces as well as add some dirt.

    The brass material us way too saturated as brass doesn't look like that in reality. Here's a few examples of some real brass:

    Lastly I wouldn't sculpt embellishments like the winged skull as they have always been portrayed as flat and relatively simple in all Warhammer art I've seen (admittedly not all that much). I'd just straight up model it instead.

    As the model looks now I suppose it's usable if you're really pressed for time, but TBH it's not something I'd ever put on a portfolio as it looks unfinished with some elements missing from the concept art and the texture looks far from finished.
  • Voss105
    Some of your picture links are broken. Can you fix or repost them for me? I've been working on a prop of this gun on and off for the past couple of years, and your pictures are perfect references.
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