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3ds max - change color of edges while modeling in symmetry?

Hello! So yeah, I know where the customize colors options is... but trying to guess at the meanings of the names is a very tedious process in max 16x16_smiley-sad.gif

So, I found the color for edges (subobject selecton) when working with geometry... but when I model something with a symmetry modifier applied, and "show end result button" enabled, then the edge color defaults to the bright ORANGE color. Kinda don't want that. Anyone know what this color would be called?

And for that matter, anyone know of a data base, online or help file, where these color terms are defined more clearly. It's sometimes very tedious to trial and error these things, especially if you have to restart max everytime you take a guess.

Thanks!!! 16x16_smiley-happy.gif


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