Hello everyone,
I've been using 3DS max (and 3D software in general) for about 3 months.
Any criticisms would be welcomed on how I can improve.
I've foucsed on the walls and the floor so please ignore the untextured window bars.
I'm trying to create a 19th century jail cell. Using images of Bodmin Jail as inspiration.

I created a standard colour map and a normal map using the Nvidia PS plugin.
Not sure what other map types I should create as I don't really understand the differences between AO, specular etc and when / when not to use each type of map.
Any help or info appreciated! Constructive criticism (be nice :poly121:) please!
Im not particularly experienced in 3D either, but to me everything looks very flat, its either brick or the whitewash paint/plaster. Maybe add some colour variation to the bricks?
Might be worth looking into making them tiling textures as well, to avoid seams where the walls meet?