Hey everyone,
This character that I'm working on has a karate belt. I'm a bit stuck as to how to actually recreate that because it has a knot.
Attached is an image of the character and my actual wip. I'm doing this in zbrush and just realized that I posted the wrong reference of the character. My apologizes.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
So could I mask out the loop for the belt, create the knot and then put the other part of the belt?
Is that a method in order to use your suggestion?
Thanks again!
I also do this for other troublesome areas like collars. Zremesher is really nice for getting good topology you wont be having to fight and subd into oblivion.
I'm a bit of zbrush noob.
How do I simply paste images rather than attach them?
So I'm trying to tackle the knots again