Hey Everyone,
TL;DR : Bounding boxes are stuck on one of my models and when I collapse the modifiers into an editable poly the model gets messed up.
I have been working on projects over break to build my portfolio. Unfortunately I ran into a problem and the issues just kept growing. It started when I was trying to adjust my model after I put a turbosmooth modifier on with three (3) iterations.

I noticed that with the modifier on that I could not select any vertices when I went back to the edit poly modifier. The only time I could select vertices was if I turned on Show cage or turned off show end result. Has this always been like this?

So I continued and made some other adjustments and noticed that a bounding box had appeared on one of my models even if it was not selected and would not go away. I know you can hit J to hide the box but I wanted to figure out what was going on. After some searching I tried a few things.

I collapsed the model into an editable poly, no luck. I reset Xforms and converted to editable poly, no luck. Finally I attached and then detached the models and that seemed to work.
Upon doing all of this I stumbled on my final problem. When I collapse my stack into an editable poly this is what my model does. It gets all messed up as if there is more than one mesh inside another and I really cant figure it out. This wouldnt be a problem really but if in the future I ever need to collapse my modifiers for importing or something then it will mess up my model.

Put an Edit Normal modifer at the top of your stack, make sure you have the Normal sub-selection, hit ctrl a to select all and click the reset button.
edit: clarifying this should be a fix for your last problem, not any of the first. It usually happens when you've imported an OBJ, the normals get stuck on Explicit so when you make an edit to the base geometry (such as attaching), it starts to give huge shading errors.
You might have accidentally set a keyframe on the object. It's the K button. Objects with keyframes at the current time slider frame get the bounding box whether they are selected or not. That's why attaching it to a model with no keyframes removed it.
Use xView to make sure you don't actually have overlapping face or other problems.
Three more things to try:
1. Add a Turn to Poly mod and collapse. This should recalculate the normals.
2. OR Before collapsing use Tools > Snapshot to create a copy of the mesh.
3. OR Before collapsing select a single object and in the Maxscript Mini Listener in the bottom left of the screen type this command: (It should make a modifier free copy at the origin.)
One problem is solved. Apparently I had a key frame set on the model. I never knew " K " was a hotkey for that so now I learned two new things.
I put on xView and I clicked the model and it says Not Applicable. At one point it did read out a number of overlapping faces. Any reason why faces may be overlapped and how I could fix it?
Turn to Poly did not work. I tried all of them and my model was still messed up.
Thanks again!
If so, you have to uncheck isoline display before, coz it will only connect vertices where the isolines are.
Though i don't see the point of collapsing a turbosmooth unless you refine the model again afterward.
Thank you so much! That was the problem. After multiple tests I was able to get the result I wanted by unchecking Isoline Display. I never knew that actually affected the model, I thought it was just to visually save screen space and drawing.
Thanks, that helped not have to re-model those pipes!