Alright gals and guys, i have the following problem:
Got some files from a client to assemble into Unity, create shaders, light, bake light maps.. all the usual stuff.
However, in that scene, I'm getting such a bad amount of geometry. Most of it is fixed, but I'm getting a lot of issues where it seems that the previous outsource studio added shells in max on them to give them a little bit of thickness ( but with an extremely low amount) and then ran an optimize on it. The resulting geometry is all messed up, and some parts that should have their normals facing on -Y are on top of the geometry facing +Y.
Doesn't really matter to me since Unity will just not render them ( but i still do not like ugly geo

the MAIN problem is that when I bake my light maps, that's taken into account and Im getting really dark spots all over them where that geometry that's backfacing is intersecting.
I'm trying just running them through a zremesh in zbrush, and that's not working ( topology just doesn't follow what I need it to.) Doing it manually by selecting face by face just would take days to run through all the meshes that are displaying that problem.
I'm pretty sure there's something I can do in Maya ( or Max - have access to it through work.) but I can't recall what it is. Been looking for it for a while, and I thought i'd give my fellow polycounters a try

P.S: let me know if what Im saying makes sense, it's kind of hard to describe what's going through texts. If it doesn't, i'll take a series of screenshots to clear up what I said.
P.P.S: Just wanted to point out that it is similar to non manifold geometry but I think that the faces are not close enough to each other..
If the polygons are thin enough (the polygons that are responsible for the slight thickness) you might be able to use Maya's Cleanup tool to select faces with a certain geometry area to delete them. This would separate the two sides into separate elements which would make manual removal much quicker.
Sorry if this doesn't help.
The face suggestion is a good one, but with that optimizer, that thin border that a shell would give is gone.
I guess I'll have to do a manual retopo. I'll end up with cleaner geo and topology in the end