i recal seeing a post here or some other forums some months ago where someone posted a link to a realtime or live booleans demo/tutorial in maya.
now i cant for the life of me find where it is anymore.
but it was a video of someone throwing a bunch of primitives together and within a specified boundary, some of the shapes were adding to the shape and some shapes where subtracting from it.. does anyone know what im talking about? sorry about my english if it's horrible
It's out now but only if you have the extension for 2014. Skip to roughly 10 minutes in to see the new boolean demo.
yeah i think this might be the thing im talking about, thanks! this will probably work too but the one i saw there was like tons of shapes being thrown in a specified wireframed boxed area.
it was like a bunch of shapes acting as masks and there was a mode to toggle between the seeing different shapes that act as with adding or subtracting qualities. or who knows maybe the vid you posted is the same function.