I am pretty sure that somehow there are two wings, but on top of each other. Try to export only one wing that is missing and see if it will be visible on the other side. It would be best if someone with blender knowledge would say something more, but for sure its somehow related to transformations. Maybe just for test attach both wings to newly created box, than delete box geometry so you will have new object without any transformations, and than bind it just to root bone to see if it will show up.
It looks like the normals are messed up on some triangles, not sure exactly what is the problem but you can try some things
1) N menu show normals - check if there are inconsistencies
2) try deleting one wing, edit mode ctrl-D duplicate ctrl-F flip normals import see if it is ok with double side then maybe is the compiling of the normals or something else
It looks like the normals are messed up on some triangles, not sure exactly what is the problem but you can try some things
1) N menu show normals - check if there are inconsistencies
2) try deleting one wing, edit mode ctrl-D duplicate ctrl-F flip normals import see if it is ok with double side then maybe is the compiling of the normals or something else
i'll repost if i think of anything else
I tried the normals just now, they're correct the way they are.
Here are couple of new ideas
-try importing this piece with different name (sometimes importer don't update mesh if you use previously used import name)
-check if your color texture don't have any black fragments on its alpha channel
-maybe try to import those crystals alone that are missing triangles, bound just to root bone
That depends, double sided faces are enabled by default on sketch fab. The fact that I can't see through the bottom of your model gives me the impression you have it enabled. If you turn that off and the model is looks the way it's supposed to it's probably not a normal problem. The checkbox for double sided is under the materials if I recall correctly.
If you have double sided faces enabled in blender too, that would explain why it appears to be working fine until you export.
Wait, I remember I had the same issue when I was exporting from blender and importing to zbrush. When I would do so the tris would flip and become invisible.
It seems like blender messes up the direction of surfaces when exporting.
Make a copy of your blender file and flip the tris that are invisible(in dota) and upload it to dota again.(It means that the tirs that are now invisible in dota will be invisible in blender).
If it doesn't work, flip again
keep flipping and recalculating until it works
If it remains the same, the source of problem is probably not from blender.
hey, I'm not sure if you solved this or not but I faced the issue and I realized the reason was that the surfaces of my design were not triangulated.
So the solution was to simply use "triangulate" modifier.
That didn't work because I assume its a problem with the geometry. The texture works fine on the default object
Check the normals? They're all facing outward?
Yep, that shows up on Blender anyways
1) N menu show normals - check if there are inconsistencies
2) try deleting one wing, edit mode ctrl-D duplicate ctrl-F flip normals import see if it is ok with double side then maybe is the compiling of the normals or something else
i'll repost if i think of anything else
I tried the normals just now, they're correct the way they are.
I extruded a piece that was already boned correctly.
-try importing this piece with different name (sometimes importer don't update mesh if you use previously used import name)
-check if your color texture don't have any black fragments on its alpha channel
-maybe try to import those crystals alone that are missing triangles, bound just to root bone
That depends, double sided faces are enabled by default on sketch fab. The fact that I can't see through the bottom of your model gives me the impression you have it enabled. If you turn that off and the model is looks the way it's supposed to it's probably not a normal problem. The checkbox for double sided is under the materials if I recall correctly.
If you have double sided faces enabled in blender too, that would explain why it appears to be working fine until you export.
It seems like blender messes up the direction of surfaces when exporting.
Make a copy of your blender file and flip the tris that are invisible(in dota) and upload it to dota again.(It means that the tirs that are now invisible in dota will be invisible in blender).
If it doesn't work, flip again
keep flipping and recalculating until it works
If it remains the same, the source of problem is probably not from blender.
So the solution was to simply use "triangulate" modifier.