So i've been doing this shoulder armor for a dota2 champ.

and i didn't find a way to sculpt it in local symmetry, so i've sculpted both sides.
Is there a way to do it ? Does Zbrush even retain local pivot ? I tried the local sym but its still a world symmetry.
Thanks !
Additionally, you can use Mirror and Weld under Tool > Geometry > Modify Topology to symmetrize your mesh. This works both globally and locally, so be sure to have the appropriate symmetry setting (and axis) toggled.
Keep in mind that mirror and weld only mirrors from positive to negative axes, so from X to -X for example. If it prompts you that the resulting mesh does not contain polygons, then you are trying to mirror an object located in a negative axis. To resolve this, use the Mirror option under Tool > Deformation to position your mesh on the other side, then use Mirror and Weld again.
Ok well from fellow zbrush artists, it's not possible. ZB doesn't store any local orientation axis. So i should have sculpted the object aligned to world axis, then place it. Game over.
If its too large decimate, you should be able to retain a lot of the sculpt.
Bring it back into ZB, Zremesh and re-project.