Hey everyone, I'm a game design student who is currently on my second year of study.
My main reason for finally deciding to upload to Polycount is that I want to attempt to get better at 3D modelling. I really want to get to a stage where I can successfully hold my own as a freelance 3D modeller.
I'll be attempting to upload a couple of models every week and would be so grateful for any feedback and constructive criticism.
They look cool nonetheless, but you will learn so much more if you do something like a curvy car for example
Thanks for the feedback :poly121:, I'll try and attempt to branch out a little and add a bit of complexity to my models
Also just to add, I may be uploading models at a slightly slower rate over the next coming weeks due to getting my university portfolio done. Saying that I am doing a 3D animation assignment so any models I create from that I will be sure to upload