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Spring 2014 Luna[A new Moon]

Hey, Polycounters.
It's been a while since I participated in a Valve contest so I'll try my best here to really make the deadline...

Alright. I chose Luna because she is my favorite hero and the Chinese New Year is alternatively referred as a LUNAr New Year, so I'll try to score some points this way :)

On to the first concept. Due to the fact that I draw atrociously I'll provide ZBrush's sculpts instead:

*Attachments not working for me...see below...

As you see I'm still experimenting with form and texture and I haven't sculpted some crucial details, that will be transferred with a normal map, yet.

However the thing that scares me apart from my overall concept :) is that ingame I'm getting some weird shading in the back part of the shield. I tried pretty much all mask combinations, mesh smoothing and so on but it doesn't want to go away...it looks perfectly fine inside Maya. Anyone else having this issue ?

As for the rest any and all feedback is welcomed :)
- Lozanov
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