Hello everyone, I'm having a regular Maya error... that doesn't seem to have a standard fixable solution. If it helps in any way, my mesh is completely triangulated, exported into Maya from Max as an FBX, and has subobjects withing the mesh. Whenever I attempt to bind my mesh to my skeleton rig in Maya 2014 64-bit, I get the:
- Geometry "GeometryName" contains non-manifold vertices or edges. Use Mesh > Cleanup to locate and remove mesh irregularities. -
I attempted to use the cleanup tool to select, then fix the 'bad' faces or verts. No dice.
I attempted to reimport the mesh as obj (originally I used 3ds Max's 'send to Maya' feature). Still getting the error.
I attempted to see if I had reversed normals. Still nothing.
I combined the mesh with a cube withing Maya, then deleted the cube faces and renamed the mesh. Still... nothing...
I looked for pinching or any weirdness by cycling through the subdivision previews, and there wasn't any.
I tried using the - select using constraints - to select any weird faces... or anything remotely responsible at this point. Still getting the error.
Even before all of this, I had trouble shoot any issues with the mesh withing Max, and Max encountered 4 T-verts (mesh is triangulated, but is it a problem?), no overlapping vertices, no flipped normals, no overlapped UVs, and so on.
I tried all of the these things, but nothing remedied the situation. Here are some images to help illustrate the problem. If you have any ideas, please share them. Thanks for the help!

There are a few little kinks like these that are special to Maya. However, after you solved them once, the program becomes a really nice tool for speedy modeling and unwrapping. They even fixed the UV unwrap function in 2014 ^^
That sounds more like the definition of "non-planar faces" which is also a cleanup option.
Nonmanifold refers to impossible geometry such as when an edge becomes extruded from or welded to a non-border edge, causing an edge to share more than 2 polygon faces. In these instances, such offending polygons should be either removed, properly attached, or extracted then recombined without merging verts.