Hey, everybody! I saw this guy in my dream the other day and decided to go for it and make him material.
They are kinda blind underground zombies, they live in an ancient underworld city. They used to be people infected by radioactive bats, but since there weren't enough light - their eye became rudimentary and useless, arms elongated due to tactile lifestyle, ears enlarged for better sonic catching and so on.
I've made a quick anatomy blockout from a sphere in sculptris, and now the challenge is to learn zbrush and make him clothed, geared, textured (current tex is just a placeholder) and game ready.
So much to study, hope it's gonna be fun, Your critics is greatly welcome!

Started to watch zClassroom movies, as i need basics with Z's crazy interface. Maaaan, Sculptris is so much easier than zBrush, it's less powerful though.