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A place to learn and improve

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theStoff greentooth
So I've decided to dedicate a thread for learning. Lately I've realized I that although I've been making new work and saying its for learning I never plan out what it is I am trying to improve. To be honest I usually just give up on the learning half way through every project as I rush to finish. Hopefully here I can pinpoint areas of focus from style, to subject matter. I plan on making small sculpts and studies to stay focused on this goal. I'll happily take any feedback you all have. I always find it helpful.:)

Just so this thread isn't empty right from the start I decided to try mimicking the style of Chris Sanders in a hope to learn about character volume and depth. I personally find most of my work always looks flat, dull and kinda stringy. Regardless, here is the result:



  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Is that doll supposed to be greentooth?
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Naw, I believe it is called Scrump. Could of made greentooth though haha.
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    I decided to try to learn more about making and designing armor. I started with a small study of shoulder plates. I am trying to figure out what makes armor stand out. The first thing that comes to mind would be silhouette but I've com across many nice looking armor pieces that don't break the humanoid silhouette very much. I also thought about surface detail and making something look like metal. I worked with having scratches and wear but some styles have very clean surfaces but still manage to get the object to look like armor. This may be a bit of an obvious question which is likely different for everyone but what makes armor stand out to you?

    low poly:

    high poly:

    On a side note, an issue I encountered was retaining the detail of the high poly. If find that I always lose detail when creating the final result and it seems especially obvious here.
  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    Can I see your textures and wires? You might need to put more geometry into silhouette refinement. I think your geo and your bake setting might be causing you to lose detail, but it's not that major from what I see here. Something that is contributing to loss of detail as well is the fact that your high poly is too crisp add some bevels to your trim and make the trim thicker.

    One thing you might want to consider on your high poly is doing subtle changes to your smoother surfaces. I usually use surface noise and the go in with trim dynamic and smooth peak to hammer the noise back down.

    All of that said I think what you have looks good. For me good armor design finds a balance between having a cool silhouette and being functional. Also I like armors that make use of a bunch of different materials.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I love that sculpt you did at the top! Could really make it shine if you put a little love into the post processing/rendering. :)
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Thanks, guys I really appreciate the input. BradMyers82, I'm glad you like the sculpt I was actually pretty happy with it but you're right about the post work. Right now it's just a screenshot right out of zbrush. I might go back at one point and give it a cleaner wire-frame so I can render it properly.

    stevston89, thank you for the tips, they're very in depth. I'll definitely try out you suggestions. When it comes to adding geometry though would the help details like the scratches? I found they looked a lot deeper in zbrush but are a bit faded on the lowpoly. Here are the wire frames and textures.


  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    The scratch looks like a resolution issue. It looks like the wasn't enough geo in the high poly or you didn't bake out your textures at a high enough resolution. Did you bake from a decimated model? If so I usually try to retopologize with the decimated then bake with the full resolution high poly. It just bakes cleaner. Also I think the reason your edges don't bake so well is because they are at such a harsh angle. You should soften the edge in your low poly by adding more geo.

    Are you using the metalness workflow or the standard phong with specular maps? It looks like you are using spec so if that is the case. Your metal diffuse should be really dark. Metal has pretty much no diffuse information. It is all specular/ gloss information. Also if you want metal to look like gold or any other colored metal, you should be putting that color in the spec map. I did a quick and rough paint over of your diffuse and spec map. Here is a screen of what it looks like and the paint over.



    Hope this helps and I am not sounding too much like an ass.... Good sculpts btw!
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Thanks for the tips on materials stevston89. I was using phong with specular maps. I really appreciate the advice it is very helpful. I will definitely be using this information.
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Alright so I'm trying to practice making more realistic looking characters and I feel I've been staring at this too long and could use some input on things to improve in the anatomy.


    I'm aiming to make this character:
  • Chantel-sky
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    Chantel-sky polycounter lvl 3
    The only thing I can suggest is to make the inner thigh and front part of the leg below the knee have a nicer curve.

    Her hands seem quite big? idk something is off about it though.

    Other than that, it looks pretty good!
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Thanks Chantel-sky! I'll post the updates once I feel more confident with the changes I made.

    In the mean time, more other work

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Lovely work man. Makes me jelly in some respects, haha. Your handle on clothing folds is pretty solid, imo
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Thanks Brian!

    I decided to try designing my own character. It's been over two years since I tried that so thought it'd be fun. The idea was to design a character based off a fox using clothing.



    Here's my attempt at concept art :)
  • afisher
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    afisher polycounter lvl 6
    This is looking good so far. Cool style and has some really nice shapes going on.
  • jhoythottle
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    jhoythottle polycounter lvl 7
    Nice work! Loving the fox model/concept.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Dang! DAAaannnnng!!!
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Looks great!
    How did you do the hair on the finished model? Is that zbrush fibers? The feet look a bit off in profile on the last one. Lovely concept.
  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    Wow I really like the latest character and concept! Nice job. The Hair looks great.
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    Dude, Design your own characters more often, that is one dope character.
    Are you planning on taking this to game res?
  • onera

    Soooo Kawaii! Keep the work!
  • RocketBryan
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    RocketBryan polycount sponsor
    I'm definitely diggin' that character! Very nice intermix of areas of rest and detail - keeps your eye moving around to individual elements. Looking forward to seeing some color go down on that sculpt. You taking her to all the way to a game-ready state?
  • DireWolf
    Digging your style. Charming. Do you have artstation?
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Arrived here after the re-cap. Lovely sculpting and design on that last one!
  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    Very nice set of characters, the last one especially! I guess my one comment is that the posture seems a bit extreme right now, she has a major curve in her lower back. Other than that it looks pretty great!
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I think the problem with the posture isn't the curve in the back exactly. Its that the front of the body doesn't reflect that kind of curve in the back. There is simply no way you could contort your back like that without the rib cage coming way up and the shoulders back majorly. I really dig the style tho, I would just make things line up either from the front or back with that curve. Personally, I always liked exaggerated posture like that (shoulders back big curve in the back)!
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    The lowe back looks fine to me, it's that the legs are angling really far back. But it's an exaggeration that suits the style. It's only a problem if you go to rig it (which I assume he won't be doing).
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Alright, first off, thanks everyone. Glad you guys like what's here!

    Kanga, That is actually a bunch of poly plains with hand painted hair strands.

    Fwap and Rocket Brian, I do plan to take this to game rez and have actually already started.

    DireWolf, indeed I do: https://www.artstation.com/artist/cschoch

    nickcomeau, BradMyers82 and Fomori good points about the posture. I tried to make the character feel less stiff but I can tell I went too far :). I do plan to rig the model but I'll likely only adjust the posture on the lowpoly for rigging.

    And finally, an update:

    and a color test:
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Some work on my (not so) low poly mesh :)

  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    How not so low poly is it?
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    36000 Haha. It had a lot of tiny parts and I'm not working in production for this so I rolled with it :)

    on a side note, I had the opportunity to try the GMH2.6 beta so I tested it on this character.

  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    The hair seems like it has a grain filter on top :/
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    yeah I'm still learning mental ray and rendering. I'm going to go back to that later and try to fix it. Here's an update with baked normals and ambient on the low:

  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    It looks like the bakes and AO came out pretty well I'd say. Which part isn't right do you think? The front/bottom of the pants?
  • Kaine123
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    Kaine123 polycounter lvl 10
    The bottoms of the shoes look a bit funky.
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Thanks Kaine, you make a good point. I adjusted the normals a bit but I'll tweak them further I think. Glad you think it's looking good nick. Tehere were a few adjustments I needed to make where parts were too close together but that's better now.

    Here's a texture update. I know it needs work but this is my weak point so I'l just keep at it :)

  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Well here is some more refinement to textures and posing. The poses are still rough (dangling bits aren't placed and there are penetrating areas) but I could use some input on the overall pose and textures. I made two poses since I wanted a relaxed pose and dynamic pose.



  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    This is an amazing character. I love it. Very unique, and the colour scheme is fantastic.
  • .nL
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    .nL polycounter lvl 3
    I can't really add much to the discussion, but this character's looking brilliant. The stylization is just right.
  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    Love the character! Here are some suggestion that might help you to go even futher with it, through it's already lovely!

    I would add a decent hue shift here and there into the coloration, so that the brown doesn't look like one single color. IMO I'd do that escpecially in the shadows, but that's my personal tate. Color variation would add a little more life to your character. (I see that you started that, but I think you can go a little futher, maybe even add saturation and value shifts)

    You could also paint a little more light into the scarf-thing, so that it get's a little more contrast.
  • Chantel-sky
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    Chantel-sky polycounter lvl 3
    Your character turned out so cute! Love the way you did the folds in the clothing :)

    My only crit would be adding more of the darker brown to the front of the hair strands.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    looks really nice, not 100% about the pose,it dosnt really look like there is any weight in her.
    but everything else is stellar work!
  • GrevSev
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    GrevSev polycounter lvl 9
    Love it.

    Reminds me of Kite's design from .hack too
  • theStoff
    Offline / Send Message
    theStoff greentooth
    Thanks for the input and comments guys! :) I worked on adding some more color. Maybe it could be pushed more but I feel it's better.I couldn't get the other pose to look right so I'm holding off on showing that for now but I think this is about it for the design/look.


    Also through her in UE4 for kicks :)

  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    I think the biggest problem with the pose is the upper body is implying shes putting her weight on her right leg, but the legs are the opposite.
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    Saw this in the wywot 2x's and felt you had a good handle on things but since you mentioned your staring at it at this point I will pop in a say.
    Do a damaged version, it doesn't have to be 60% damaged to an extreme but enough will work.
    I'd say clothing damage, shoe/boot scuffing, rope wear, skin bruising / cuts, a bit of frizz on the hair (if you wanted, idk how to do that) leather lines/veins will look cool, clothing stains.

    That should be good enough to keep you busy. :)
    Looking forward to more if you decide to do the above.

    Some more color in the face, blushing type of stuff and some color on the lips, nose, cheeks, finger tips, (nails?)
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Last 2 poses aren't working. They don't feel very natural and hinder a good compositional presentation. I think the pose you've been working to with her arms down by her side is better. I would either add some asymmetry to that one or come up with a new pose.
  • Jarran
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    Jarran polycounter lvl 11
    very nice work mate, good job
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Thanks for the input guys!

    You make a good point lotet. I didn't want her pose to be too close to the tpose, Fomori. I do agree though that my current poses are awkward. I'll likely try posing her again in the future since I plan on giving her a proper rig.

    Thanks for the suggestions David. I actually have a few other projects on the go but doing damaged version might be a fun challenge to do at one point. I haven't experimented with things like that yet. :) Having color variation to the skin for expression such as blushing might be interesting too.

    Glad you like it Jarren

    As a side not I decided to play around with GMH and mental ray for fun. Also made a relatively quick low poly character for the fun of it. :p





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