I'm starting this thread to track my progress on learning some anatomy.
I'm currently focusing my work on environmental art but I like to learn stuff so I tought I'd start a daily routine to brush up my anatomy and/or character art skills.
Started today with a "quick" torso, while following videos from digital tutors and referencing my anatomy figure by 3dtotal and some random internet pictures of half naked guys.........trying to figure out muscle interesections and where things connect to.
Zbrush render (Perps ON)

little useless MT2 skin shader render

I'll try to keep this updated daily and I really welcome critiques and suggestions. Things posted here will mostly be random pieces of anatomy at first and hopefully I'll be making a whole character next year.
So critiques will probably be implemented on new models made from scratch instead of going back to previous sculpts and fixing them.
This time i just used some schematic reference for proportions and tryed to remember muscles position.
Quite less detailed than the last one and more symmetrical, but also quite quicker.
Still not super happy with how my teres major/minor and infraspinatus are coming out, and it's probably because i haven't yet figured out the deltoid intersection and scapulae position yet.