For the Sake of keeping this forum shorter I'll be linking WIP Images not embedding.
Have I missed something here? why are you not showing the images directly?
isnt that the point of the thread? why are you not showing the main point of your thread IN the thread?
@Optinium Thanks for the feedback. I'll take your advice into account when I attempt it again tommorow. Also your Art is freaking awesome
@lotet The Images are there. there just in the form of a Link (Green Text = Link)
I just want to keep Embedded Images out since they can become annoying to scroll past when there's to many of them.
Like Optinium said, color variation is going to go a long way in making this look interesting.
Also avoid using pure black or flat grey. It can sometimes make your texture look muddy.
It's important to keep in mind your target style when doing hand painted work. Do you have some reference or a similar style in mind?
Number one has a toon shader on it and number two still is kind of flat in my opinion. You can push the colors a little more in yours from your lightest lights to your darkest darks.
Even a three color hi, mid low would be a good start then you can start overlaying some other colors. You can use your smudge tool to get some decent looking gradients or you can set up a opacity brush.
Keep at it!
For the Sake of not having everyone needlessly click several times and being able to simultaneously see posts and pics, please embed images instead of linking.
For the Sake of not having everyone needlessly click several times and being able to simultaneously see posts and pics, please embed images instead of linking.
First of all, I think the modeling doesn't match with your texture style. The shape of barrels should be more exaggerated. Also, the highlights of the iron part looks like a white line. If I were you, I would make more variation on the highlights.
Thanks for everyone for your Help! I know I'm really poor at this but just have to keep trying
Think it needs more Sharp block colors, to much blending? Ideas?
Your contrast is getting a little high right now, I would wash over some of your contrasty areas with your base colors.
Your metal could use some work too. One thing that helps me with metal is to start from a dark base value and build it up from there. Your metal is overall a bright value which kind of kills any spec/hot spots.
The whole thing looks unlit too. Try to paint your object with a lightsource in mind. I would recommend a top down lighting for this asset. If you went this route, you could paint in drop shadows under the metal bands etc.
Really pay attention to your value structure, the top side of your barrel looks like the same value as the sides. The top should be reading brighter.
@turpedo Yes I completely agree with you. I tend to forget these things so getting feedback like you've given is gold. I will go back over the whole texture again and pay attention to what you've said. Thanks! Also I really like your work really shows why blizzard would pick you for an Internship.
@Firith: It's ways nice to see someone trying to learn something new! My tips would be to use allot of gradients/blending so your values look nice. (tut about values: [ame=""]48 Digital Painting Sketching with Values - YouTube[/ame])
And a good way to learn handpainting is to study miniature painting. Miniature painting comes very close to texturing and its mostly just using colours.
Now.....Because I wanted to keep the Texture size low I overlapped alot of the UV's so I cant add Fake AO, Shadows or Sunlight or this happens.
I've increased the Edges as well. perhaps I should go back and fix the UV's. Just means I'll need to use a larger texture size. but since the goal is increasing painting skills that's not to much of a problem.
hi, check how this kind of stuff are made by some pros. Everything you need to know Turpedo said. Reduce contrast, add sense of light direction.
This was made by linkov
This is way too harsh. And its also black, which is no good for this kind of assets.
You don't need to fix your UVs, just make AO less strong and add AO in between these metal parts. This will go against having predefined light source, but it will work. Also I would go against having top to bottom gradient, which is in most cases viable trick, but barrel can also be turned upside down or lying on the side and in these cases your gradient will look weird.
And since I'm not really good at explaining stuff, here is how I would do it.
@linkov just blew my mind. I need to go home and rethink my life, but since I am home I'll just try to match your paint over. Thankyou for taking the time to do this for me. I really appreciate it
Still missing some AO.
Needs more Highlights & Lowlights on wood feels dead.
Wood & Metal are still to flat and don't have enough variation.
but this is were I'm at.
Some really awesome people have commented here so I feel like a noob, but I'll give you my 2 cents on your latest post.
It's a big improvement on the first version you posted, no doubt, but there's 1 thing that really pops, again, it's the lighting.
If you look at what linkov posted, you've matched the contrast and coloring, the character of the detail, but one thing that happens in his paintover and not yours is indication of plane changes. Look at the top of your barrel - the value of the surface should change where there's a change in the facing angle of the plane. Take a look at linkov's example, the value between the cap of the barrel is similar to the edge of the planks, but where there's a plane change between them, it's darker, indicating a plane change since light would diffuse differently where there's a difference in facing angle.
Since I'm also no good at explaining I'll show you this awesome graphical representation:
In short, a change in value indicates a change in form, use it.
Also, a change in value usually comes together with changes in hue, when caused by lighting. Since shadows get their color from the ambient light in the scene and highlights/lit areas get their color from the light source - you should change the hue of the lit and shaded areas accordingly. Don't just make things darker in value, give their hue a slight change toward the color of the ambient light/key light you have in mind.
Thinking of moving on to something else now. I'm happy with the improvement I made on this asset, thanks for everyone here for there help. I'll redo this in the future when I have a few more assets done.
Heres some renders (btw I stole your layout Optinium :P)
Thanks snake85027 I'll add some more AO around the metal tonight. as for the Gradient thats a good idea but I've overlapped the UV's so it cant be done I'll have to keep tat in mind for next time
I think you can work further on rendering the wood texture, making it more interesting and tighter. But compared to your first post this is incredible, good job.
@laurens.tjong I considered that but it lead to warped UV's. however it will be easier to keep that line straight. I'll try it out. Thanks for the paintover
For the barrel textures you may want to try adding blue lowlights and yellow highlights. It's a basic principle in pixel art, and I find it looks good on most hand-made textures. Other than that the barrel looks pretty good
Been working on the box texture today here where i'm at so far. any ideas on where I should take this would be great.
To do for box:
- Cuts in the metal corners
- Stylize the Mesh edges
- Needs more color (Blue Shadows & Yellow Highlights) on metal and maybe wood to
- A bit noisy? to much going on might have to simplify small details & increase large details
I'm a but stuck on the Robot but I also haven't put much time into it. Any Idea's on how I should go about it would be great.
You shouldn't make a crate with the same texture on all sides. Instead, slice up the texture in to 4 squares and get some variation in there:
And I agree with laurens that the unwrap for the head isn't great. But there's more than that. The spheres/domes you've used are flat out the worst (for lowpoly modeling, anyway). They don't unwrap nicely, and they're far from polygon-efficient. I'd suggest using a cubesphere, because they're fairly efficient, and the unwrap gives you nice straight lines on the UWV for the plated texture while actually being lessdeformed than the unwrap you currently have.
And you'd also do good to pay more attention to how many sides you put in a cylinder. The legs have less sides than the arms even though they're bigger.
Lastly, using an alphamap for the 'fingers' is a waste. Use some simple geometry. 4 boxes (a total of 40 triangles) isn't that much compared to the 940 you already have, and it means you don't need a complex transparency shader for the entire object.
As for feedback, its looking very monochromatic, it needs more colour as well as more lighting as it's also looking a tad flat, good start though
Have I missed something here? why are you not showing the images directly?
isnt that the point of the thread? why are you not showing the main point of your thread IN the thread?
@lotet The Images are there. there just in the form of a Link (Green Text = Link)
I just want to keep Embedded Images out since they can become annoying to scroll past when there's to many of them.
Also avoid using pure black or flat grey. It can sometimes make your texture look muddy.
It's important to keep in mind your target style when doing hand painted work. Do you have some reference or a similar style in mind?
References for the Art Style are closest to DOTA2 & WoW. Here are 2 references I've been using
Reference #1
Reference #2 - I like this one most
Even a three color hi, mid low would be a good start then you can start overlaying some other colors. You can use your smudge tool to get some decent looking gradients or you can set up a opacity brush.
Keep at it!
Think it needs more Sharp block colors, to much blending? Ideas?
Your metal could use some work too. One thing that helps me with metal is to start from a dark base value and build it up from there. Your metal is overall a bright value which kind of kills any spec/hot spots.
The whole thing looks unlit too. Try to paint your object with a lightsource in mind. I would recommend a top down lighting for this asset. If you went this route, you could paint in drop shadows under the metal bands etc.
Really pay attention to your value structure, the top side of your barrel looks like the same value as the sides. The top should be reading brighter.
Hope this helps!
And a good way to learn handpainting is to study miniature painting. Miniature painting comes very close to texturing and its mostly just using colours.
A good site is:
Shows allot of techniques. Be sure to check out NNM (non metallic metal)
Hope it helps and good luck!
Now.....Because I wanted to keep the Texture size low I overlapped alot of the UV's so I cant add Fake AO, Shadows or Sunlight or this happens.
I've increased the Edges as well. perhaps I should go back and fix the UV's. Just means I'll need to use a larger texture size. but since the goal is increasing painting skills that's not to much of a problem.
This was made by linkov
This is way too harsh. And its also black, which is no good for this kind of assets.
You don't need to fix your UVs, just make AO less strong and add AO in between these metal parts. This will go against having predefined light source, but it will work. Also I would go against having top to bottom gradient, which is in most cases viable trick, but barrel can also be turned upside down or lying on the side and in these cases your gradient will look weird.
And since I'm not really good at explaining stuff, here is how I would do it.
Needs more Highlights & Lowlights on wood feels dead.
Wood & Metal are still to flat and don't have enough variation.
but this is were I'm at.
It's a big improvement on the first version you posted, no doubt, but there's 1 thing that really pops, again, it's the lighting.
If you look at what linkov posted, you've matched the contrast and coloring, the character of the detail, but one thing that happens in his paintover and not yours is indication of plane changes. Look at the top of your barrel - the value of the surface should change where there's a change in the facing angle of the plane. Take a look at linkov's example, the value between the cap of the barrel is similar to the edge of the planks, but where there's a plane change between them, it's darker, indicating a plane change since light would diffuse differently where there's a difference in facing angle.
Since I'm also no good at explaining I'll show you this awesome graphical representation:
In short, a change in value indicates a change in form, use it.
Also, a change in value usually comes together with changes in hue, when caused by lighting. Since shadows get their color from the ambient light in the scene and highlights/lit areas get their color from the light source - you should change the hue of the lit and shaded areas accordingly. Don't just make things darker in value, give their hue a slight change toward the color of the ambient light/key light you have in mind.
@Ravenok yeah I see where my color palette is flat brown, I'll use this as a reference for future edits to get my contrasts right
Heres some renders (btw I stole your layout Optinium :P)
I think you can work further on rendering the wood texture, making it more interesting and tighter. But compared to your first post this is incredible, good job.
I was looking at the Low Poly Forum and saw this. Thought it looked really cool so I might make it in DOTA 2 Art Style.
Also I saw this,
which reminded me of Machinarium. so I'll also be making the main character from that. Might try to make a Metal & Wood version
and the box is a box.... so yeah that's ready to.
Maybe try to add the uv seams in a natural place for the model... like so
Been working on the box texture today here where i'm at so far. any ideas on where I should take this would be great.
To do for box:
- Cuts in the metal corners
- Stylize the Mesh edges
- Needs more color (Blue Shadows & Yellow Highlights) on metal and maybe wood to
- A bit noisy? to much going on might have to simplify small details & increase large details
I'm a but stuck on the Robot but I also haven't put much time into it. Any Idea's on how I should go about it would be great.
And I agree with laurens that the unwrap for the head isn't great. But there's more than that. The spheres/domes you've used are flat out the worst (for lowpoly modeling, anyway). They don't unwrap nicely, and they're far from polygon-efficient. I'd suggest using a cubesphere, because they're fairly efficient, and the unwrap gives you nice straight lines on the UWV for the plated texture while actually being lessdeformed than the unwrap you currently have.
And you'd also do good to pay more attention to how many sides you put in a cylinder. The legs have less sides than the arms even though they're bigger.
Lastly, using an alphamap for the 'fingers' is a waste. Use some simple geometry. 4 boxes (a total of 40 triangles) isn't that much compared to the 940 you already have, and it means you don't need a complex transparency shader for the entire object.
Thanks for all the Info
some advice or a paintover would be nice. Otherwise I'll just keep painting away