Hi everyone . I'll post here my game related works and WIP. I'm always looking to get better so don't hesitate to give me feedbacks , advice ...

First is a robot design by the great Jake Parker.
Here is all the steps from basic block in to final game model with textures.

The other thing that jumps out to me there is not variation in materials where I would expect them to be. I haven't seen the concept, but to me I feel like the hydrologic parts, nuts, metal trimming, and things like that should be chrome and not painted metal like you have every where else. I think just be careful about what materials you are trying to create and go from there. Hope that helps a little bit.
Are you using a gloss map?
For the retopo there are clearly a lot of loops that I should have removed , I'll definitely be a loot more careful next time.
As for materials ,It's true that it would look a lot better if the different material were more clear ( painted metal , chrome...). I didn't really grasp the use of gloss map before so I didn't use any , but now that you have mention it ( and that I have taken the time to better understand the use of it ) I'll try to use one in my next project.
Thanks again.
Eager to see how that bad boy will look like once textured.
@seth , Yep , his sculpts are out of this world , I always feel like I'm learning a lot when I do a copy of his work. So here is the latest one.
You potentially should shrink the chest armor in the same way the chest does, the front and back plates are pretty similar sized while the chest shrinks extremely (it is right on the concept however)
Pirate came out nicely, but did you intend that it looks burned around the eyes ?
Frog looks familiar, bucky o hare?
I'm slowly getting used to SD , the new video tutorial really helped a lot. not 100 percent happy about the texture , some leather texture seems a bit to
shinny but that will do for a first try
D4V1DC . Next will be the pirate texture , and I had never heard of bucky'o'hare but it sure does look fun, the concept is from allan Carasco.
Some WIP of my new piece , here is the HR version and a LP with normal and AO map.
Texture one coming right up.
Thanks for pointing these ( rookie
Here is the HP and LP texture that I did of the 2 mains characters .
Zbrush , substance designer , mari , substance painter.
It was very fun . render using PBR in marmoset.
So here is a steam animal gun I did at school.
It's about 15 000 triangles , textured entirely in substance , and render in marmoset.
PBR render.
If you push your material definitions a little bit further, you have a nice piece of gameart :thumbup: