I cant for love of god get this to work!
I use the Simple Vertex Blending in Our Schools unity. But i cant get the setup to work between two diffrenet textures.
Any tutorials? I've tried to google but every time i do that. They just show what it looks like and not the setup!! gaaaargh!
Thanks in Advance
Blend between different textures based on vertex colour?
I have made a easy modell of an Isle.
What i want to do is Blend between two different textures (Sand and Grass) To make it somewhat believable.
Best Regards
I'm really very new to this, so i'm not quite sure if it's the best way.
best regards
If i would make a simple plain in unity, and use the vertex color. It acctually works.
But using my island (which is Uv:ed) is forcing me to move my island to where the pensel works :S.
The Pivot is centered, history and transform is fixed. hmmf.
Sorry for the late answer. But after a couple of tries with my programmer we got it to work!