http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSa85b6BX0I"]RappaTools 3.2 - YouTube[/ame]
What's new (1515 aka 3.2):
- Added quickTopo for quick retopology.
- Added WorkingPivot Tool.
- Added Weld 2 Last, Move 2 Grid, Drop on Grid and Move On Grid.
- Added Smart Transform Toggles where you double tap to change the coordinate sys.
- Added ActiveGrid like the WorkPlane inside Modo.
- Added the ability to customise the HotBox.
- Added planarLoop for X and Z to GetSetPointPos.
- Improved the Slide (also now the +ctrl is for sliding partial loops).
- Improved SmartQuads, also added Quads Extend.
- Improved AutoConnectBridge, it can be used to quad cap much faster now.
- Improved ChamferOp, also added parallel and flat quad chamfer modes.
- Improved Mirror X Y Z, also added new options.
- Improved CenterPivot to work with subObjSelection for splines, EditPoly and EditablePoly/Mesh.
- Improved Set Object Scale and Set Object Height to work with multiple objects selected.
- Improved the Materials, now they are reused instead of making new ones.
- Improved ExpertMode, also added UVW Edit Mode and ToggleEdgeSelected.
- You can double tap the SubLevelShortcuts to return to level 0 if keyboardShortcutOverwrite off.
- If you quickly double tap toggleEndResult it will toggle Show Cage.
- Various Fixes, Changes and Improvements...

For more info check out the website:
Keep it up!:poly136:
@Titus Thanks, glad you enjoy using it
@computron thank you
@fearian thanks, in case you get it hope you enjoy it
You will write your own scripts from scratch or you will continue as usual? RappTools is build from: - decrypted Orionflame; - decrypted Polyboost; - scripts from James Haywood; - scripts from a lot of other maxscripters. When you will give credits to the developers of Polyboost, Oronflame and all other guys. You decrypt their scripts, change the names of cnotrols, functions, structs, UI and then sell all that stolen stuff. And you have license aggreement? To protect the stolen scripts? Why? I bought RappaTools just to be sure that almost all of the scripts in it are stolen. By the way, why the name of Marius is removed from your Quad Chamfer tool? Hi is the original creator of the quad chamfer script.
eventually that became rappatools... it's true that a lot of people send script snippets that they wanted to be added and i added them i didn't know if they wrote it or not and i didn't bother to ask since i was young and all i thought was that thats cool and sure i'm gonna add it... years passed and i kept changing the script and eventually lost track of what's what... and since i can't check the source of orionflame and polyboost i don't know what came from them
it's not like people care about it... less the %1 of the pc's that rt3 is installed on have a license
As for Marius name it's not removed, if you hover you mouse over the quad check box his name will pop-up, so i could make ui more tight...
Also what do you mean by your comment about the license, from your site it appears the only way to get it is by buying a license.
it appears unless you do a search
Are you kidding? Someone sent you the source code of Orionflame and Polyboost? That guy can decrypt mse file and will sent the source code of one of the best 3dsMax plugins ever to you, so you can...what, make them better? The sourc code of PB and OF is not a snippet. It's a hundreds of lines of code. What about this: http://forum.exetools.com/showthread.php?t=8252 http://forum.gfxdomain.net/help/268-mse-decrypt.html In your new RappaTools3 you have incorporated almost 100% of Polyboost decrypted by you. and you know this better than anyone else. Carl-Mikael spent 3 years to write all the tools of Polyboost, but you can steal, and claims that this is your creation. Who is the next victim?
1. You say:
2. you did not downloaded the scrun.exe. Is this right? Because...
3. Here you have scrun.exe and you have experiance with it decrypting rayFire script. What is true - you don't have the decrypter or you have it? Or you don't have it anymore doe to a virus problem? If you received the scrun via email, then the attachment is in your mail box. Virus comes and goes, the attachment stays. The polyboost v3, which can be downloaded is protected with old mse encryption mode and scrun can decrypt it. The PB v4 and v.4.1 also can be decrypted, but there most of the functions is ported to C++.
Do you beleive that I will spend time to check all 20 000 + lines of RappaTools against almost the same amount of code in PB + OF to tell you what is stolen? Just a quick overview: All functions where you have "SOsYouWant" are from Orionflame. Almost all verts, edges, polys loop and ring functions are from OF and PB. These variables: "wag, klur, mihu, drr, brr, wrr, jrr" are from PB. You may sey that it is just a coincidence. The same name of vars in the same code as structure, formating, etc? Some of the functions that are from PB(some of them have the exact same name, variables and structures, coding style, some are with changed name, but the variables and structures is the same as in PB): validobjfunc DotLoopfunc SaveSubSelfunc SaveSubSel2func FillHolefunc SetFlowfunc InsertVertsfunc BuildCornerfunc CornerLoopfunc CreatePolygonfunc CurveLoopfunc SpaceLoopfunc StraightLoopfunc CircleLoopfunc EPEUV EPVUE EPFUE EPEUF EPVUF EPFUV Facecountfunc Vertcountfunc You have variable "PBDmesh". Ges why its name starts with PB? So, get all the "snippets" that you have received from random peoples and where you find variables, that starts with "PB" - this is POlyboost. When you find variables, that starts with "Light" - this is from Orionflame. But you already know that.