I've just released a new 3ds Max plugin for level design called CorVex. The plugin is designed to help you more quickly layout the basic world geometry for games like the Source Game Engine.
Here is the introductory video on the plugin. I'll be loading other videos demonstrating other techniques, benefits and tips soon.
Looks handy, waiting to see some of the more advanced uses.
Here is the next video. Note that I've also updated CorVex to add independent controls for the top/bottom from the sides as well as a function to lock the aspect ratio of map height/width... but that was added after making the videos.
Shawn, this looks fantastic, and at that price a no-brainer for anyone making this sort of geo.
However, I don't see which max versions are supported? Is it a script or plugin?
I guess I should have added the specs for that by now It is a scripted geometry plugin, so should work in most versions of Max 9+. However, I no longer have access to versions of Max older than 2010. I know it works in 3ds Max 2010+.
1) New settings for controlling the pivot point of UV transforms for tops/bottoms when using the global UV on tops/bottoms. Your choices are World, CorVex and Spline. With World the pivot is always at world origin. You can set the UV Origin visually in CorVex and Spline mode by moving the CorVex pivot or the respective spline pivots, depending on your setting, respectively.
2) New rollout called Stack Selection. This gives a bunch of checkboxes to preset the face selection in the modifiy stack so you can fine-tune specific sections of the objects. For example, if you check the Open Ends of walls, only the faces for open ends are selected in Face Selection which you can then use by adding a Poly Select mod, then go to Polygon sub-object mode and add a Unwrap UVW mod--only those end faces will be in the Unwrap Mod.
3) Controls for the vector of the Height based on either world Z, Corvex Z or spline Z.
4) Various fixes and tweaks to the UVW output.
Also, I am going to increase the price of CorVex from $4 to $10 after February 15. I've put a lot of work and effort into this tool and think that the price is very fair. I know it is a massive time saver and well worth the cost.
If you already bought CorVex but do not have version 1.4, you can reuse the last download link if sent in the last couple of days or email me and I will send you the newest version.
Hi Eric. This is good news... it implies I will eventually build a time machine and go back and start taking over the world in my (future) past! It probably wasn't me if it was Max 5 as I didn't start dabbling in MAXScript until around Max 2008.
Maybe you are thinking of Convexity which was around for a decade... and CorVex does have some overlap with Convexity. But at this time Convexity is discontinued, which is one reason I built this new plugin (which is different in many respects but both have the ability to make walls from splines). CorVex has realtime display and a ton of UV controls which Convexity never had... and is far far cheaper. Hopefully some more people start giving it a spin!
Since the last post, there have been many new functions and additions to the CorVex Level Design Plugin, including many new UV options and Material options. You can now derive material ID values from the underlying splines per side, pull material directly from other object faces in the scene and more.
CorVex 1.63 Released today. Along with the updates, I updated some of the UI screenshots and function definitions on the docs.
Added new setting Reset Step Per Spline. This setting is used with the Step and Slope Increments. When enabled, each spline (and each subspline if in Wall Mode) will reset to the initial height. When off, the increment always continues from the last height of the last subspline.
Added another Top/Bottom UV Scale option: Use Side UV Scale. This forces the top scale to match the sides and is the new default value for the UV Scale method.
Added support for XREF Materials in the functions to get bitmap dimensions.
Fixed the Get Properties from CorVex function to collect some properties that were missing.
Fixed bug in the Side 1 Material ID setting in Wall Mode. It now applies to hidden sides of walls as it worked in earlier versions of CorVex.
[ame="www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRxPoukd4TI"]Corvex Part 2[/ame]
Looks handy, waiting to see some of the more advanced uses.
Here is the next video. Note that I've also updated CorVex to add independent controls for the top/bottom from the sides as well as a function to lock the aspect ratio of map height/width... but that was added after making the videos.
I'll be loading more videos soon.
Get CorVex here.
I guess I should have added the specs for that by now
1) New settings for controlling the pivot point of UV transforms for tops/bottoms when using the global UV on tops/bottoms. Your choices are World, CorVex and Spline. With World the pivot is always at world origin. You can set the UV Origin visually in CorVex and Spline mode by moving the CorVex pivot or the respective spline pivots, depending on your setting, respectively.
2) New rollout called Stack Selection. This gives a bunch of checkboxes to preset the face selection in the modifiy stack so you can fine-tune specific sections of the objects. For example, if you check the Open Ends of walls, only the faces for open ends are selected in Face Selection which you can then use by adding a Poly Select mod, then go to Polygon sub-object mode and add a Unwrap UVW mod--only those end faces will be in the Unwrap Mod.
3) Controls for the vector of the Height based on either world Z, Corvex Z or spline Z.
4) Various fixes and tweaks to the UVW output.
Also, I am going to increase the price of CorVex from $4 to $10 after February 15. I've put a lot of work and effort into this tool and think that the price is very fair. I know it is a massive time saver and well worth the cost.
If you already bought CorVex but do not have version 1.4, you can reuse the last download link if sent in the last couple of days or email me and I will send you the newest version.
And here is a new video on utilizing some of the UV flow methods in CorVex:
Maybe you are thinking of Convexity which was around for a decade... and CorVex does have some overlap with Convexity. But at this time Convexity is discontinued, which is one reason I built this new plugin (which is different in many respects but both have the ability to make walls from splines). CorVex has realtime display and a ton of UV controls which Convexity never had... and is far far cheaper. Hopefully some more people start giving it a spin!
The texture assets are from Insurgency with permission.