Does anybody know how to rotate an object around the mouse cursor in 3ds max? i don't wish to rotate an entire object for positioning purposes, rather i am looking for a way to rotate an objects vertices around a single point or mouse cursor for modelling purposes.
I will try my best to explain.
1) Here we have a basic box with symmetry modifier

2) If i select my targeted vertices and use the rotate tool, it will pick the centre and rotate all vertices around that

3) However, is there a maxscript that will allow me to rotate those same vertices around my mouse cursor only? so that i may target one specific area and the entire selected vertices rotate around that one point
so that it creates this effect, however here i had to rotate as i described in point 2, and then move all vertices in position using the move tool.

I understand other software programs such as lightwave have this inbuilt.
Also, the Sub-obj Pivot script from FunkyBunnies helps a lot
I'd recommend you assigning a keyboard key for "Affect Pivot Only Mode Toggle" too.