Taking a break from my current project to satisfy my need for doing a landscape, also I'm getting tired of bricks.
I picked this concept because it's not a full landscape with not too many unique assets, as I only want to be working on this for a short period of time. I figured this would give me more opportunities to work with the ToD and terrain in CryEngine, as well as more landscape-oriented models.
Here's a blockout and early atmosphere setup with Crytek's assets and rain.
After looking at the concept again, I might remove their rain entity and make my own that's only a few drops here and there. Also more contrast in the sky.

And the awesome concept by Nick Gindraux

Here's some texture sculpts I've been working on. The grass one is a quick mix of photo and the mud texture. I'm not too worried about them since they're going to be covered up a lot with grass meshes. The rock one gave me trouble though, it took me a few tries to get this. I'm not sure how I'm approaching the rocks right now, I might do some simple meshes with this texture, then have some unique ones with baked normals. Feedback is appreciated, especially with the rock normals
(Rock is normal only)
Now onto some rock mesh sculpting...
Does anyone have a different approach to ZBrush textures without having to fix seams in PS later on? I've been using m4dcow's method, but I still have to clone out seams. I'm 95% sure I turn on wrap mode 2 for each brush...
I recommend checking this video out.
It could be a problem you are facing with the zbrush unified space.
This method corrects that and avoids you having to do any fix ups in photoshop.
Depending if you are using goz or not you might face import scaling issues even if you use this method from the video.
I exported a standard (undeformed or scaled) Plane 3d from zbrush to bring into my 3d app to get the exact size of the plane.. Then I created the mesh template from that.(see video)
Also the Export > Scale factor under Tool pallette in zbrush will have to be played around with. For my version of Softimage I had to set the scale factor to 3. And I had to have a Zbrush plane in my document before I imported my mesh... I know it sounds confusing but it finally worked and I can get great tileable sculpts now with no hassle. It's strange how zbrush's export scale factor settings effect imported objects...
Oh also append a zbrush plane to your sub tool if you need to check that your imported mesh was not scaled incorrectly on import.
(Most of this feedback is based on relation on the concept art)
1) In the concept these are a lot taller and are thinner at the top
2) These trees should be darker in their leaf texture
3) These rocks look nothing like the way they are designed on the concept
4) Way the terrain goes in the concept is very different to this
5) No rain in the concept
6) Fog should be not so much gray as that but a very light grey
7) Err I forgot what this was for
But then again I am a sticker for concepts
I'm having some issues with the method Synergy posted though.
You can see that my sculpting plane is not lining up with the unified space. I think it's a scale issue, but I used GoZ from ZBrush to Maya, then back to ZBrush, so I don't understand how the scale changed. I started with a ZBrush plane, GoZ'ed it, cleaned it up in Maya, and extruded the edges so it's 6x6 with 2x2 sculpting area. It subdivides just like the example, but the spacing is off.
(Ignore the distortion on the grass texture. My POM mask is still a little off and it doesn't look too good on the sphere)
I've started some of the rock sculpts to build the large rock walls, so I'll have pictures of those soon.
I agree with your idea to remove the majority of the rain and just have a few drops/drizzle too. Some slightly thicker fog and more trees across the mountain in the BG may be an idea too.
Liking the current sculpts you've put up though, the most recent rock one should definitely help to make your rocks much sharper and squarer than they currently are. The concepts rock face is much more sharp edged rather than rounded/noisey.
Will keep watching this, nice work, keep it up!
Thank you. I agree, the blockout definitely isn't the best when it comes to actual placement and camera angles. I mainly just wanted to get things in a scene with a basic ToD to get it started. I do plan on adding more trees and doing an actual mountain mesh, instead of scaling up a rock like I did for the blockout :poly124:
Thanks! That means a lot from a Crytek artist
I think I got fairly close to the lighting in the concept, with some minor issues here and there. I'll be adding in some negative lights and manual light bounces in the foreground, as well as adjusting the HDR settings. I should probably get to work on those rocks and trees :poly121:
The default value of hte XYZ Size should be 2, if you change it to 6, this wrap method will work with your plane. Also turn off subdivision smoothing.
Here's a tree I'm working on still. I'm not happy with it, but I'm not sure why. I think it's something to do with the overall sharpness and planar look to it. I've been referencing other spruce and evergreen trees from games and it seems like it's just how they are for real-time purposes? Maybe I'm just too low poly right now.
Also been working on getting my terrain textures on the actual terrain.
And another rock sculpt using just a few brushes and the tiling plane
Individual texture shots are on my site right now
Also, can I get some input on a reasonable approach to the rocks? Looking at in-game shots, it seems like ND simplified them a lot(probably because of time or budget?), but I'd like to carry over the chipped, granite looking shapes a little more. I was thinking of doing multiple unique meshes with baked normals and possibly one of the rock texture sculpts as a detail normal, OR more simplified meshes and re-using the hell out of them with the rock texture normal map? Or both? Maybe I'm overthinking it...
2 rock wips. Top and bottom are the same mesh, just two different sides. The middle one might be for the obvious rock in the middle of the concept?
Now the trick is to tile your diffuse 1 and diffuse 2 blend layers across the surface by a value of 5. Now you need to do the opposite with your detail map, tiling it by a factor of 0.2. if you do the math you will notice your detail map overlays your unique AO and Normals while your tiling blend layer provides the diffuse and normal map detail you want. Essentially flipping the concept of how a detail map should be used.
Oh wow, I never thought of using the detail texture that way! I'll have to give that a shot tonight after work. Thanks a lot :thumbup:
The rocks are nice but not perfect in terms of the concept. The concept has more clean slate like rocks with hard clean faults.
The rocks alone are no problem but the texture eat all details and make it a unidentifiy mass.
The grass feels too uniform and unnatrual. Get some more size variations in the planes and clumps, and add a few more colors and shapes to your alpha cards.
That tree on the left is weird looking. If it's the same as those more distant trees, I'd keep it as is and only use it as a distant object.
Keep pushing through man, take your time and study how ND does their work (assuming that's what your goal is since it's a LoU concept) and you'll get this thing looking beautiful in no time. Textures super important with this piece.
@Rurouni: That tree on the left is from Crytek, so it'll be switched out soon. The darker one is mine, but I want to do a few variations of it. I've been playing around with the inverted detail map method mentioned in my thread, so everything will have unique normals and a tiling normal from ZBrush. Thanks for stopping by!
@Alex: Thanks man! It makes me laugh every time I look at it. I love that UE4 environment. Very Halo Forerunner-esque :thumbup:
@Shrike: The grass has gone through a few variations. Originally it was photosourced and mixed with the sculpted mud I did, but I ended up creating the grass texture(the newest one, that's applied to the terrain) through Maya Paint Effects. I added the mud in Photoshop to it as well. In CE3, it's also using POM, so some of the clumps stand out a little more. Glad you like it! I've been trying out Paint Effects for this and have used it for all of the foliage currently.
MeshModeler: Thanks!
I'm hoping to have an update later tonight on the new-er rocks. They were a little busy after setting it up with the detail normal, so I went back and removed a lot of the smaller details.
I've gone back and forth on a few rock models and trying new things. I think this one is done now though.
TB2. Left is unique normal from ZBrush, right is unique and detail(tiling ZBrush texture).
CE3, using the method ichii posted