So I exported an .obj of a character I'm working on. I polypainted him and got him all set up, but when I exported him to TopoGun, his texture tones changed to a grey, even leaving out a part on the back of the arm. Can anyone help?
Additionally, if there are areas on your model which do not have polypaint data, it will default to the color that is set to the right swatch just below your color picker in the left tool bar. This may explain the white areas at the back of your model's arms.
These two things do not translate to other software applications, as they are just previews within ZBrush. There are ways to bake out a base color and the matcap details into a diffuse map which require your model to be UV mapped.
Thanks so much. For standard polypaint texturing, is FlatColor the best matcap for that?
I'd love to use my UV maps and transfer the matcap / diffuse onto the actual UV sheet instead of using vertex color.