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Heboltz3 - Workshop Thread



  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    He came out fantastic! Great work! Looking forward to seeing it implemented one day!
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks Andrew! Late response but oh well, haha.
    Anyways, today is my 2nd anniversary of joining Polycount. (YAY!) What better way to celebrate then start work on a new courier :D

    Tengu Courier!


    Thrilled to be Working with the great Sukotto on this lil' guy. It's gonna be fun!

    Here's to another great 2 years, and thanks for being some of my favorite greentooths yet!

  • quockhanhlk
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    quockhanhlk polycounter lvl 12
    the courier look great, cant wait to see how the animation turn out :)
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    So Tengu is all rigged up and ready to be animated. Probably going to give another final skinning pass, but that's just polish. But on the other hand new project...

    Bouncing Jetpack Courier!

    Model, texture, and concept courtesy of my main man pear. Going to be too much fun animating this lil' guy. He is roughly skinned, and I'm looking to finish the rig by tomorrow night.

    Looking to get both done by February 1st. Stay tuned for neat stuff. Crits and comments always welcome :D
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Yay my 300th Post. Juggling 2 couriers is tough stuff. Here's the ground movements for the Kanga, Tengu stuff is on the way soon.


    (ill reupdate with the WIPS one day. This is a relic from my exodus from Imgur to Pinterest)

    It's been alot of fun so far.(he just oozes character) As always I'm just getting animations down, and cleaning them up after they are done, but C&C is always appreciated.

    Everyone (who can) Have a beer this weekend! It's hella cold on the east coast, and that means you should warm up with a tasty beverage.
  • Coyo.Te
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    Coyo.Te polycounter lvl 4
    the spawn landing is quite stiff.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    You are right!
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Spawn animation needs to be less stiff, give it some more weight, some bounce, and such. I think as it is right now, his knees don't bend at all.

    For the idle, you have a solid base, really solid. Take that and make a new animation layer on top of that. Expand the timeline so it plays the cycle three times and build some head turns in there, small stuff, nothing major. About 30 minutes of work can make that idle from good to great.

    I dont see any issues with the run cycle, if I'm being nit-picky, Id say get a bit more weight in there, it's not that it feels floaty, but it doesnt have that same sense of weight that it has in the current idle animation.

    The death feels really early, but I think you're holding that pose just a frame or two too long. The anticipation reads, but then that extra frame or two kill the release. It also feels really fast, try slowing it down a tad, nothing crazy. Also, the jetpacks rotate down a bit too fast, in the frame by frame I actually didn't find any drag on it what so ever.

    Going hard on the critiques, the current animations are a good start, and the idle is really solid. Good work dude, can't wait to see the flying animations! :thumbup:
  • Coyo.Te
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    Coyo.Te polycounter lvl 4
    maybe the run needs a little more kneebent, compensating for the weight of the body, ya know?
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    @Andrew. Nitpicking is crazy helpful, so it's really appreciated! I'll definitely look into that stuff, and the information about the idle is news to me! This should spice some stuff up and make it look superfine! :D

    @Coyo.Te I don't think the knee bend will compensate for the weight, its' just going be some slowed frames of the base movement, and some exaggerated secondary motion. Kangaroos knees are located extremely high in the leg anatomy and they keep the knee "stiff" more or less when they bounce along.. check it out

    It's definitely some weird slingshot type kinetic bounce thing haha. So it's just gotta have a more "sticking" feeling, but it does need a bit more weight.

    Thanks for the crits guys! Keep em coming :)
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    So I have a stupid amount of work to do between now and my end goal ( mid march). SO mad updates coming, or not because it takes a longer time to make gifs then screencaps.

    Anyways, jet-kanga is coming along, just 1 or 2 more animations, but there's some problem with the scale/polycount so its back to Pear for a bit. No need to take a break tho, here's an update on Tengu.

    I'm just happy that I could get stuff in engine, so the transitions are a little rough, and these aren't much more then "advanced blockouts". I'm looking to have all the animations done in a publishable state by Friday.

    A few of the flying animations are blocked out, but nothing special. Sukotto gave me a direction of "derpy but getting the job done." So I'm trying to make him as discombobulated-ly off-balance, as possible, while still having a sense of urgency, purpose, and drive... if that makes sense.

    What do you guys think ?
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    You have no idea how happy this makes me! :D I love his head bob on the run and how he has his arms out. And the death is a great idea, I never would have thought of that.

    Love love love it so far!
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    So, updates on tengu.

    I got lazy and didn't want to make a bunch of crappy gifs, so I made a video.

    I know parts don't loop, and my editing skills are 2divine. Replay works well :)

    What do you think?

    (Finally got it in the post. Jeeze thats work, haha.)
  • Sukotto
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    And now it's time to show off something completely different...
    The Eyedropper!


    This ward was done with help from my main man csoconnor, and it' in partnership with the CEVO dota2 league!! (woot)
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    I'm not a big fan, to be honest, it looks like something sci-fi-ish (read: not dota) and the design elements are disconnected, look randomly slapped on or don't make sense to me. I know this is criticism directed mainly at the model but it feeds into your part of the work as well.

    I feel like you got some cool animations going but chose the models you work with more carefully.

    I know it sounds harsh, but I'd rather be honest than lie: If this got in, I would point to it as an example of bad designs getting into the game simply by virtue of being attached to a ticket.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Hey Spud, thanks for the crit!

    Not going to disagree with you. I've sided with you too many times to say anything different about where this ward fits with the dota art direction.

    I'd say chris and I are pleased with what we got, considering the time we had to work on it, the amount of time we could actually devote to it, and the prompt we were given.

    This is my first "ticket" item, and the experience of that cycle was worth it imo.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    And he's done!
    Chuu the Tenacious Tengu!

  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Because I cant do enough couriers...
    Billy BounceBack!


    This one is with the main man HunterKiller, and it's for the AD2L (Amateur Dota 2 League.)
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Hello World.

    Get ready for an update of words and stuff.

    So I've been posting alot, but I haven't been posting arting alot. There's a reason.

    As some of you may know, but many of you may not/not care, as of about a month ago I moved across the US from the cold and desolate East Coast to the Sunny and expensive West Coast to pursue a bitchin job. I've been here for about a month now and it's super fucking sweet, couldn't be happier with all I'm learning, stuff we are doing, and the people I'm meeting. Anyways I couldn't bring my comp due to the move, and it's too big that I don't want to ship it so I've been without a machine to art, which sucks, but a new one is in the works and I'll be back and when I am I'll be on the rampage to art.

    I get that this is kind of "tumblr" of me but whatever, polycount is where I got to where I am, and the dota forum is at the center of that equation so I figured I'd just say hey so you guys don't think I'm just ditching the scene at all.

    Neat thing about this job is that I'll be traveling alot. So if there is a dev conference/convention in the US of A happening nearby, shoot me a message on steam and I'll buy you a beer (or margarita in Zips case) when we hang out.

    Secondly, (and kind of the more important reason I'm typing this). As of right now I'm consolidating my web presence, so alot of my images are probably going to go away as I move them from Imgur (boo) to Pinterest (yay) where in addition to my sketch book, I'll be trying to grab as much reference, tutorials, and other general helpful art stuff as possible. Feel free to check it out and learn. (in the awkward scenario that one of your tuts is on there, I hope you don't mind. I credited you to the image, and I believe clicking it will take you to the real URL so you wont miss out on views.)

    Anyways, thanks for being the most bitching community in polycount.

    I love learning from the best of you, and I love helping to educate those willing.

    Looking forward to updating the thread, and grabbing a lot of beer with you guys at TI4.
  • bounchfx

    lookin' forward to your return when you get computered.
  • Danglebob
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    Danglebob polycounter lvl 15
    Hurry up! I need to comment on your stuff!
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Once you get your new computer I got 4 words for you: Full.Set.With.Courier.

    Take that as you want ;)
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    I think he's telling you something Harry... Must be illuminati
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Aww. Also Let it be known that all my WIPS are gone, I might update them, but if you wanna see them ever they are HERE!!!
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