Hi guys,
i'm here for a long time looking how great art here is produced, but this is my first true post
lately i grew up of zbrush and wanted to work with some hardsurface stuff, and i've never modeled a gun before. So i've started to work on one of my fav's guns, which is USP tactical.
This is my first gun model ever and first this complex hardsurface model ever. Still this is a heavy WIP that needs some tweaks and some additional details like curvings. I want to add a silencer and laser aiming system.
Below you can see some test renders out of maya viewport 2.0 so it's real time, nothing fancy, not the finall shots for now.
I had so much fun time with this model.
Crits are welcome
Will u bring it down to a LowPoly and import it to a game engine or Toolbag?
At the moment im modeling a H&K USP,too.
"Compact 45. Auto" is a little bit to thick. In original the Font is thiner.
Thats the only critic i can tell you at the moment
But maybe you have a reference that looks like you have done.Dont know!
yes i will bake it down to LP and will do some shots in ToolBag, but before that i need to upgrade my hardware to DX 11
anyways thanks a lot
And i thought im good in maya... lol
I have marked the parts, that are heavy for me to model.
1. The Startpart of the Slide. I think this part and this shape is a bit confusing.
2. This Curve in the Slide
3. This Lines, because when i extrude in, i got a window shape. But Up and Down of this Shape is open...i think that is the problem ^^ ...
and yes the geo at first looks confusing but after breaking it, it's "modelable"