Hey all, Im workin on a scifi smg for a university project.
Almost a year in of solid surface modeling and I think Im showing some modeling improvements.
I honestly feel like Ive just hit a complete dead end with texturing, nothing I make comes out the way I want it to/ looking half decent..

and the highpoly

Only thing I can really say, figure out what materials you want to be on there, find some reference on those, and try to mimic them.
With metals, you want to have most of your detail in the specular map really.
There was a vid tutorial series by Millenia some time ago, that went over the creation of a weapon.
found it.
Thats the exact video I was following haha
Yea maybe its my brushes or technique? Not really sure..my spec map looks close to his but mine doesnt quite "shine" as much.
The edge-wear is a soft brush or square brush set to white, opacity ~40-60% and the layer is set to Soft Light.
The "faded" parts are just a really soft black brush with 5% opacity and the layer is set to overlay.
I copied both the edgewear and blemish layers to the diffuse and set them to overlay with relatively low opacities.
Also, are you using a gloss map?
Millenia is also using 3 lights in his scene, that might make it look more reflective as well.
On the entire spec map or certain parts?
Yes, this is my gloss map.
Millenia kinda stops at this point with the gloss map, so the only changes I made were darkening the scratches
am I like a bad artist or something?
In general, I think you need to really study some material references. What you've shown so far, the materials do not really read as anything specific.
What materials are you trying to represent?
What qualities to do those materials have? Is it a very reflective material? are the specular highlights broad (matte) or narrow (glossy) ?
What texture values would it take to replicate those qualities?