So I have to have a bachelor thesis with the goal , title and actual thesis.
I'm stuck though , I want to do something game character relevent and since my study is Game Art and Animation I'll have to do something game relevant anyway.
I thought about two different topics such as : An analysis of what makes a great game character story and design wise taking Ellie and Joel from the Last of us as the examples.
The second topic wasn't game character related but it was trying to find out a trend between AAA games and how there is potentially more focus on graphics than story.
I think the second one is complete bollocks and purely speculative but we're supposed to generate new knowledge.
Does anyone have input or suggestions on what to change?
I think this could actually help a bit with the 2nd one and is rather all entertaining, so worth watching, should give you some varied scope as well.
it seems those 2 you listed are more like supporting details.
mfa has more emphasis included with the thesis paper and ton of research.
but bfa is less emphasis on the paper and more focus on making the project
Thanks ExsessiveZero I looked a few videos since the video you linked is blocked here